Funding Resiliency: May 13th, 2022
The Bay Planning Coalition (BPC) would like to thank you for attending our 2022 Spring Summit: Funding Resiliency. As we continue to support the planning and implementation of climate change adaptation in the San Francisco Bay region, we hope that the Summit was informative and encourages the need for a more collaborative approach to advance resiliency efforts across the region proactively. As BPC believes that regional collaboration is necessary for adaptation efforts in the region, a summit “follow up” is tentatively scheduled for September 30th.
2022 Summit Resources
Please scroll down to view the recording, presentations, program, and speaker bios.
Event Program
For more information on the event, please reference the program below.
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Participant Presentations
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Event Overview
Speakers will set the stage for the panel discussions with federal updates, an overview of the costs to mitigate the impacts of climate change, and the need for collaboration.
Planning Strategies Panel:
Panelists representing various project planning focus areas will discuss the strategies needed to advance adaptation development. With the assistance of moderator Allison Brooks, we hope this dialogue will encourage collaboration to advance resiliency efforts.
Funding Panel:
Representing state agencies and regional entities, the funding panelists will discuss timelines, criteria, and other directive answers. Guided by Dilip Trivedi, we hope to identify best practices to secure funding.
Participant Bios
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