Energy & Water Committee

As California exits a multiyear drought, BPC has responded to the current water crisis by forming the Energy & Water Committee. The proliferation of drought conditions in the West emphasizes the need to better understand the water situation in the state and how to adapt to a changing climate characterized by limited precipitation. We believe the Bay Planning Coalition can assist the region in its adaptation efforts while advancing knowledge on the energy and water issues the Bay-Delta Watershed faces. Bringing together both the hydrology experts and an array of industries, this committee will leverage BPC’s advocacy potential to support the economic viability of Bay Area commerce while facilitating dialogue on adaptation efforts needed to exist in a new environment altered by climate change.

Energy & Water Policy Goals:

  • Educate BPC members and the public on the critical economic impacts of drought, water security, and energy supply issues, to ensure the sustainable use and management of nexus resources.
  • Support funding for the resilience adaptation of water and energy conveyance infrastructure, wastewater treatment, conservation practices, and increased storage. 
  • Advocate for new policies and regulatory solutions to ensure a resilient water and energy supply.

Committee Chairs:

  • Melanie Richardson, Valley Water
  • Les Chau, West Yost
  • Scott Warner, BBJ Group


March 15, 2022:

BPC hosted Mike Anderson, DWR; Dale Roberts, Sonoma Water; and Rob Cifelli, NOAA. Members in attendance received un update on California’s water crisis, and learned more information about the AQPI forecasting program and long term forecasting at the NOAA.

View the presentations below.

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Energy & Water News: