Sustainable Waterfronts Committee


Sea level rise poses a severe threat to the Bay Area region and its economy, as a significant portion of the region’s housing, jobs, and public infrastructure are currently at risk of flooding. A 1.0 m sea level rise is estimated to occur by 2100 and will flood up to 1,460 miles of roadways and 140 miles of railways around the San Francisco Bay, effectively grinding the region to a halt. The estimated cost of replacing structures in the Bay Area ranges from $50-100 billion, and this cost will only rise as the waterfront continues to attract new housing and commercial development. 

As sea level rise threatens both the built environment and natural habitats in the Bay Area, it is critical that we work quickly and efficiently to restore Bay habitats and protect the array of shoreline assets across our region. Bay Planning Coalition’s Sustainable Waterfronts Committee works to support the planning, funding, and permitting of critical shoreline projects, specifically working with federal, state, and local regulatory agencies to expedite the delivery of climate adaptation and waterfront development projects around the region.

Sustainable Waterfronts Policy Goals:

  • Advocate for new funding and regional collaboration to plan, fund, and implement climate adaptation projects in the Bay Area.
  • Improve the transparency and efficiency of permitting shoreline projects through coordinated regulations.
  • Identify projects representative of strong adaptation to influence the development of coordinated resiliency processes.

Committee Chairs:

  • Connie Lee, Cargill
  • Dilip Trivedi, Moffatt & Nichol


Sustainable Waterfronts News: