Mission & Vision
Our mission states the reason why the Bay Planning Coalition exists:
Working through a broad coalition to provide expert advocacy and facilitation to advance a strong industrial economy that supports a sustainable environment within San Francisco Bay and its watershed.
• BPC is the sole organization around the Bay that is focused specifically on its economic interests and vitality. For there to be quality of life for all, the economy must be thriving, offering employment opportunities to all members in the community.
• BPC views the maritime industry, its movement of goods and trade as central to business continuity and economic vitality of the Region.
Our vision describes where we intend to take the Bay Planning Coalition:
Provide visionary leadership for San Francisco Bay stakeholders as an effective coalition that vigorously advances solutions for a thriving economy, environment and community.
• The San Francisco Bay and its watershed reach up to Sacramento, Stockton, into the Central Valley and to the South Bay.
• Stakeholders include businesses, regulatory agencies, local, state and federal government and non-profits.
• The Bay Planning Coalition demonstrates its resiliency by providing timely solutions through our advocacy, policy and education.
Who We Are
BPC is a leader in building coalitions and consensus on the issues facing the Bay-Delta region. We focus on producing positive results for our members through advocacy, monitoring and partnering with other associations who recognize the need for fair and reasonable regulation and sound, integrated planning. Sound planning for resource sustainability requires balancing the needs for economic vitality, job generation, environmental protection, housing, transportation, land use, conservation, water and air quality and recreational uses.
Strong Advocacy
The multiple economic and environmental challenges affecting the private and public sector in the 21st century have caused a greater need for leadership and coalitions working together to sustain our regional resources. BPC convenes and plays a leading role on numerous government agency task forces, work groups and public education efforts including seminars, workshops and its Annual Decision Makers Conference. Beyond monitoring to ensure that regulatory agencies act within their enabling legislation, BPC develops strategies and takes action to achieve fair and balanced approach to government regulations and works to enhance business opportunities. Join us!
Agency Relations
BPC is the “go-to” organization for information on permits, projects and issues of the Bay-Delta region. We maintain excellent working relationships with Local, Regional and State regulatory agencies. Leveraging our knowledge and relationships, BPC advocates on behalf of its members on a wide range of Bay regulatory and permitting issues concerning:
NOAA Fisheries
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
California Air Resources Board
California Department of Fish and Game
California State Water Resources Control Board
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
State Lands Commissionview our links page for a full list of federal, state, local and regional agencies and stakeholder groups relevant to our work