BPC Staff

Laura Tam

Chief Executive Officer

415-308-8347 • laura@bayplanningcoalition.org

Laura Tam is the Chief Executive Officer of Bay Planning Coalition, a network of over 150 organizations that advocate for effective policy, funding, and regulation for San Francisco Bay and its surrounding communities. Laura has over 25 years of experience building partnerships to advance natural resources policy, climate resilience, and healthy places. A thought leader on Bay planning issues, she has written numerous white papers and policy studies covering water, energy, and climate in the region, has contributed chapters to two books focused on planning for sea level rise, and is a co-author of the San Francisco Bay Shoreline Adaptation Atlas. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Climate Central, the San Francisco Chronicle, and KQED to cite a few. Laura has significant experience working with diverse organizations to build consensus and to develop shared agreements around some of society’s most daunting environmental and infrastructural challenges.

Prior to joining BPC in November 2024, Laura was a Senior Program Officer at Resources Legacy Fund, where she led philanthropic programs, cross-sector coalitions, and strategic communications to advance wildfire, climate, and community resilience in California. Earlier in her career, Laura spent over a decade as Sustainable Development Policy Director at the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR), a leading urban public policy think-tank. She has served on numerous advisory groups to local governments and on nonprofit boards, including those of Smart Growth California; the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority; Resilient by Design; Friends of the Urban Forest; the Business Council on Climate Change; and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Laura has an AB in Geography from Dartmouth College and a Master of Environmental Management degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. She has lived in the Bay Area for over 20 years and currently resides in Berkeley with her family.

Cameron Carr

Director of Policy & Chief Operating Officer

510-768-8312 • cameron@bayplanningcoalition.org

Cameron Carr is the Director of Policy and Chief Operating Officer at the Bay Planning Coalition. In this role, he manages the organization’s external Committees and supports the Coalition’s over 150 member organizations. BPC’s members span a wide range of public and private sectors, including ports, maritime and shoreline industries, labor unions, local governments, residential and commercial builders, recreational groups, and professionals in engineering, planning, environmental science, construction, and law. Through these collaborations, Cameron drives the organization’s strategic goals, advocating for resilient policies that balance environmental stewardship with economic development. He also manages the organization’s finances and operations, working closely with BPC’s CEO and Board of Directors to support the organization’s development and advance policy objectives.

His passion for environmental and regulatory policy stems from his experience working with the general counsel of an irrigation district in California’s Central Valley. Learning of the complexities and opportunities of water politics in the Bay-Delta Watershed ignited his interest in balanced policies that protect the natural environment while fostering responsible economic growth.

Originally from California’s Central Valley, Cameron brings a unique perspective informed by the region’s agricultural and water management challenges. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of San Diego and resides in San Francisco..

Ann Spaulding

AQPI Program Manager


Ann Spaulding joined Bay Planning Coalition as Program Manager in September 2018.  She has over 20 years of experience working with nonprofits, local government and environmental consulting firms, providing program management, stakeholder outreach, business development and government relations.

As Program Manager for Bay Planning Coalition, Ann Spaulding’s first project will be collaborating with Sonoma Water, NOAA and other agencies, to reach out to stakeholders and the public about the Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information (AQPI) project. The goal of the AQPI is to better predict the changing weather conditions brought about by climate change and therefore help prevent catastrophic flooding and property damage.

Ms. Spaulding’s water-related and environmental consulting background began in 1992, with the promulgation of stormwater regulations and the need to inform and engage affected industry about compliance.  In addition, Ann has served and is currently Water Task Force Co-Chair for the East Bay Leadership Council’s (EBLC),  where she plans educational and policy discussion topics that include innovation and leadership in water supply planning , water recycling, potable reuse, storage sometimes leading to EBLC advocacy positions on important water legislation.

Ann’s areas of specialization are:

  • Communications and collaboration with institutions, stakeholders, agencies and elected officials.
  • Program development, coordination and management.
  • Stakeholder engagement and outreach.
  • Government relations, representation and policy analysis.
  • Business development strategy and implementation.

Robert Rogers

Policy & Operations Associate


Robert Rogers is a Policy and Operations Associate at Bay Planning Coalition. He joins us as a Sonoma State University Graduate with a bachelor’s degree in political science. His professional background includes several politically associated positions, including, government affairs, public affairs, experience working in a congressional office, and campaign experience. His most notable work experience is his role in government affairs with Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) where he found a deep enjoyment of California water policy.

While working at Sonoma Water, he worked closely with their executive team and state and federal lobbyists to help develop and promote environmental and water policy.

Robert’s role at Bay Planning Coalition includes policy research and advocacy, event planning, and marketing and outreach.

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