Tag: ports

Pacific Maritime Magazine Online News for March 8, 2016

FORWARD SIGN UP TO RECEIVE PMM ONLINE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE Cognitive Dissonance By Chris Philips Managing Editor Has Senator John McCain (R-AZ) relaxed (reversed?) his stance against the Jones Act? In late January, Senator McCain, well known as the most vocal legislative foe of the Jones Act, said he […]

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Beacon Economics California Trade Report for March 2016

LOGIN CREATE AN ACCOUNT March 2016 CA Exports Continue Downward Trend California’s export trade began this year as it ended last year, on a downward slope. Still, the state outperformed the U.S. overall and is faring relatively well in a tough global environment… Read Full Analysis Now SHARE:  Meet Our Experts Christopher Thornberg Christopher Thornberg […]

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Association of Pacific Ports Newsletter for March 4, 2015

The Pacific Current  March 4, 2016 Register today to join us in Portland for our Spring Seminar, “Navigating Toward Success: Executive Leadership Strategies”, on Friday, April 29th. See below for information on our confirmed guest speakers and additional event details.You won’t want to miss this! And read on for a wrap-up of our amazing Winter […]

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Register for FuturePorts Annual Conference in Long Beach on June 23rd!

  BPC Members: Use this code to receive Member Rate!   CODE: BPC2016       Click Here to Register!   Join us for an interesting discussion of important topics facing Southern California’s Goods Movement Industry, including terminal modernization, economics and job creation, and local, state and federal funding and policy issues!     Registration Information […]

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Application Period Extended for Port of Oakland 2016 Summer College Internship Program

    Please do not respond to the Port Courier. Inquiries may be addressed to: Irene Sudderth at (510) 627-1379 or email portofoaklandintern@portoakland.com Dear Local Business Partner:   Deadline Extended to March 8, 2016:  Recruitment for the 2016 Summer College Internship Program.  Share the information!   We are currently recruiting college and graduate level students […]

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Tall Ships Return to the Port of Redwood City for Educational Programs and Public Visits

  Port of  Redwood City    PRESS RELEASE February 23, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: Mike Giari, Executive Director 650-306-4150 Port of Redwood City Tall Ships Return to Port for Educational Programs and Public Visits   The tall ships Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain, which are continuing their winter and spring tour of California ports, plan a 12-day […]

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