28th Decision Makers Conference
Growing the Bay Area’s Maritime & Industrial Economy to Secure a Sustainable Future
April 9, 2015
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Oakland Scottish Rite Center
1547 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, CA 94612
28th Decision Makers Conference Agenda
2015 DMC Program
Full video footage of the 2015 Decision Conference is now available on YouTube. You can check out full video footage of all of the speeches, presentations, and panel discussions from the 2015 DMC at the following link: 2015 Decision Makers Conference Video.
The theme of the 28th Decision Makers Conference is “Growing the Bay Area’s Maritime & Industrial Economy to Secure a Sustainable Future,” and the proceedings featured three key panels:
- Laying the Foundation: The Competitive Value of the Northern California Maritime & Industrial Economy
- Framing the Issues: Challenges and Risks to the Bay Area Maritime and Industrial Economy
- Building the Future: Solutions to Ensure Sustainable Growth of the Bay Area Industrial Economy
Vision/Mission of the DMC:
The annual Decision Makers Conference is the premier annual gathering in Northern California to discuss the key issues and challenges facing those whose lives and livelihoods are connected to San Francisco Bay and Region, its maritime commerce, industries, infrastructure and ecosystem. The DMC is the critical regional forum where the staffs and leaders of the goods movement sector and Bay-oriented industries and businesses join key elected officials, policy makers, regulators and non-governmental organizations, as well as the general public, to focus together on the solutions that will strengthen and grow a strong, sustainable and resilient maritime and industrial economy and ecosystem for San Francisco Bay and its Region.
2015 Decision Makers Conference Program:
John Coleman, Chief Executive Officer, Bay Planning Coalition
David Ivester, President, Bay Planning Coalition
Opening Remarks
Mayor Libby Schaaf, Mayor of Oakland
Panel 1: Laying the Foundation: The Competitive Value of the Northern California Maritime & Industrial Economy
Moderator: Scott Warner, ENVIRON
- Economic Outlook – Sean Randolph, Senior Director, Bay Area Council Economic Institute – PRESENTATION
- Importance of the Bay Area’s Ports for Trade and the Economy – Beth Frisher, Manager of Business Development & International Marketing, Port of Oakland – PRESENTATION
- Meeting Future Energy Needs: Challenges and Opportunities – Eunice Garcia, East Bay Division Senior Manager, PG&E – PRESENTATION
- Economic Impact of the Bay Area’s Refineries – Colin Maynard, Manager of Strategic Communications, Western States Petroleum Association – PRESENTATION
Panel 2: Framing the Issues: Challenges and Risks to the Bay Area Maritime and Industrial Economy
Moderator: Amy Breckenridge, ERM
- Regulatory Challenges – Gary Oates, President & CEO, ESA – PRESENTATION
- Climate Change & Shoreline Resiliency – Larry Goldzband, Executive Director, BCDC – PRESENTATION
- Flood Management Challenges – Gregor Blackburn & Ed Curtis, FEMA Region IX – PRESENTATION
- Environmental Challenges – Andrew Sabey, Partner, Cox, Castle & Nicholson
Lunch Program
- Presentation of Awards – Frank Boerger Award to Jack Broadbent, BAAQMD
- Washington Update – Eric Sapirstein, President & CEO, ENS Resources – PRESENTATION
- Keynote Speaker – U.S. Congressman John Garamendi
“Maritime Economic Opportunities in the United States”
Keynote Speaker – U.S. Congressman Jared Huffman
“The Federal Government’s Role in Protecting the Environment while Investing in Infrastructure and Improving Economic Opportunity”
Panel 3: Building the Future: Solutions to Ensure Sustainable Growth of the Bay Area Industrial Economy
Moderator: Dilip Trivedi, Moffatt & Nichol
- Regulator Perspective – Col. John Morrow, San Francisco District Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – PRESENTATION
- Environmental & Climate Innovation – Peter Wijsman, Program Manager, ARCADIS – PRESENTATION
- Housing and Transportation Solutions – Bob Glover, Executive Officer, BIA Bay Area
- Resilience & Risk Management – Victoria Salinas, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Oakland – PRESENTATION
Solutions Generated by the Conference for Growing the Bay Area’s Maritime & Industrial Economy to Secure a Sustainable Future
Richard Sinkoff, Port of Oakland
Closing Remarks
John Coleman, Bay Planning Coalition
Thank You to our 2015 DMC Sponsors!