Tag: water

California Land Use & Development Law Report: Vesting Rights Restrictions of Subdivision Map Act Do Not Bind Water District

The California Land Use & Development Law Report Legal Commentary on Planning and Development   Vesting Rights Restrictions of Subdivision Map Act Do Not Bind Water District A water district is not subject to the same vesting rights as a local agency under the Subdivision Map Act. Thus, the Subdivision Map Act does not restrict […]

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Notice of WETA Board of Directors Workshop — May 28, 2015

  WETA Board Workshop Thursday, May 28, 2015  The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority Board of Directors will meet for a Board Workshop on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the WETA offices located at Pier 9, Suite 111 on The Embarcadero in San Francisco, CA. The workshop agenda is available […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 26, 2015

California Water & Drought News for May 26, 2015

Associated Press: California looks to Australia for tips on surviving drought Los Angeles Times: In Central Coast cattle region, drought continues to shrink the herds Capital Public Radio: California Builds Emergency Barrier In Drought To Protect Water Supplies KIONrightnow.com: Farmers cut historic water deal during drought  Sacramento Bee: California farm economy surprisingly resilient amid drought  Los Angeles Times: Turning sewage into […]

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California accepts drought water deal with Delta farmers

California accepts drought water deal with Delta farmers Dale Kasler and Phillip Reese, Sacramento Bee In a significant breakthrough in California’s efforts to conserve water, state officials Friday agreed to a compromise measure that will reduce supplies to Delta farmers by 25 percent. The State Water Resources Control Board approved the settlement with scores of Delta […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 22, 2015

California Water & Drought News for May 22, 2015

Associated Press: Drought-ridden California faces decision on new water cuts Los Angeles Times: Mandatory usage cuts loom even for those with senior water rights Stockton Record: Farmers hear more about water cuts – Millions of dollars in crops at stake, violators face steep fines Central Valley Business Times: Delta detours due to drought for boaters Associated Press: Q&A: California Farmers With Oldest […]

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Calif. House bill in works could portend wider Western drought legislation

WATER: Calif. House bill in works could portend wider Western drought legislation Nick Juliano and Annie Snider, E&E reporters Published: Thursday, May 21, 2015, on E&E Daily House Republicans from California are readying legislation to address their home state’s ongoing drought by focusing on water transfers and storage while attempting to avoid the most controversial […]

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CASA Connects Newsletter for May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015 Budget Subcommittee Rejects Move to Limit Use of SRF as Local Matching Funds On Thursday, the Senate Budget Subcommittee #2 considered adopting a proposal that included trailer bill language that would restrict the use of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund monies as a local match for recycled water projects from Proposition […]

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Draft Order Regarding CDO and ACL – Robert Mann (Individual and Trustee) and Robert C. Mann 1999 Trust – Sonoma County

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. Attached here is a cover letter and draft order in which the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) issues a cease and desist order (CDO) and imposes administrative civil liability (ACL) against Robert Mann (Individual and Trustee) and Robert C. Mann 1999 […]

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