Budget Subcommittee Rejects Move to Limit Use of SRF as Local Matching Funds
 On Thursday, the Senate Budget Subcommittee #2 considered adopting a proposal that included trailer bill language that would restrict the use of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund monies as a local match for recycled water projects from Proposition 1, Chapter 9 funds. Under the proposal, only disadvantaged communities would have been able to use SRF as matching funds for grants.
This proposal is contrary to the State Water Board’s draft guidelines and would have been a major setback for recycled water projects in CA. CASA opposed the trailer bill language, as did WateReuse California and many water and wastewater agencies. State Water Board Executive Director Tom Howard testified that the change to the program was not needed. Following the testimony, in a victory for recycled water advocates, the subcommittee rejected the trailer bill language and instead approved the proposal with language allowing funds to be available to all communities.
Sub-Committee on Energy and Water Development Approves 2016 Funding |
This week, Senator Feinstein secured $52.5 million dollars as part of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Fiscal Year 2016 bill. The funding is slated to support WaterSMART activities and other drought-focused efforts at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, presumably including water recycling needs. Read more…
Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District Board Approves Agreement to Proceed with Development of a Lystek Organic Materials Recovery Center (OMRC) |
This week, staff of the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (FSSD) recommended, and the Board of Directors accepted, the approval of a Resolution to execute a 20-year lease agreement (with an additional 10-year optional renewal) between the FSSD and Lystek International Inc. (Lystek) for the development of an Organic Materials Recovery Center at its Chadbourne Road facility in Fairfield California. The major terms and conditions of the Agreement are effectively complete and both parties look forward to proceeding with project implementation. Read more… |
Santa Clara County Makes Pharmaceutical Companies Responsible for Collection and Disposal of Unwanted Medications |
The County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors this week took the first step toward adopting a Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance requiring pharmaceutical companies that have profited from drugs sold in the county, to design, operate, and fund a program to safely dispose of residents unwanted drugs. Read more…
Presentations, Contact Information from Biosolids Seminar Now Available |
Presentations and speaker contact information from the May 12-13 CASA and CWEA Biosolids and Renewable Energy Seminar have been added to our website.
Best of Facebook this Week
Sure to be some of the worst rapping and dancing you’ll experience… this “Can’t Flush This” video, found on the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District website, is a hoot!

Critics said a campaign by the E.P.A. to enlist public support for a proposal to protect the nation’s drinking water might have violated federal law on grass-roots lobbying.
Eastern Municipal Water District, located in Riverside County, has an opening for a Director of Water Reclamation.
- EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center is hiring a Center Director
- The Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency is hiring an Assistant General Manager.
- RMC Water and Environment has an opening for a Regulatory Permitting/Project Manager out of San Francisco or Walnut Creek, plus lots of other jobs.
Date |
Organization |
Event |
Location |
May 27 |
California Air Resources Board (CARB)Concept Paper workshop
Sacramento |
June 9-10 |
Multiple sponsors |
Rethink Methane Symposium |
June 24 |
CASA is now accepting applications for our Achievement Awards Program. This program honors achievements in Technological Innovation and Achievement, Public Outreach/Education, Organizational Excellence, and Outstanding Capital Project.
n/a |
June 27 |
Goleta Sanitary District |
Kamil Azoury, a past President of CASA, is retiring after serving 20 years as General Manager with the Goleta Sanitary District. A retirement dinner will be held in his honor. Contact: Rob Mangus
V: (805) 967-4519 x126 |
Santa Barbara |
June 29
California Product Stewardship Council
Applications are being accepted for the 6th annual Arrow Awards, recognizing business and industry leaders for system and design innovations, coalition building, service and take-back and overall excellence in product stewardship and green design.
n/a |
August 19 |
Annual Conference
*Save the date! Details coming soon. |
San Diego |
October 28-29 |
Stanford University Global Projects Center |
Public-Private Partnerships for the Water Sector |
Stanford |
- CASA is now accepting applications for our Achievement Awards Program
- May 15 CASA Connects