Tag: ports

CMANC Sea Level Rise Workshop on January 20, 2016

  Wednesday, January 20, 2016 starting at 1:30 p.m. Marina Del Rey Hotel 13534 Bali Way Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 (310) 301-1000 Sea Level Rise Workshop A workshop aimed at ports and harbors along with those agencies adjacent to them. Spend an interactive afternoon gaining insight to State of California programs and the uniqueness […]

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Public Meeting Notice for January 13th Port of San Francisco Waterfront Plan Working Group Meeting

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE PORT OF SAN FRANCISCO WATERFRONT PLAN WORKING GROUP Waterfront Plan Update Public Process Wednesday, January 13, 2016 6:00 – 8:00 pm Pier 1, Port of San Francisco Office, Bayside Conference Rooms The Embarcadero @ Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA 1. Welcome  & Acceptance of November 17, 2015 Working […]

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Port of Redwood City to Help Chronicle Editorial Goals

  Port of  Redwood City    PORT ANNOUNCEMENT  Jan. 6, 2016    Port Stands Ready to Help Chronicle Editorial Goals (A portion of this letter was printed in the January 5th San Francisco Chronicle in response to editorial Dec. 21) http://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Work-to-save-San-Francisco-Bay-only-just-begun-6713635.php By Dick Claire  Chairman  Redwood City Port Commission The Port of Redwood City stands […]

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Association of Pacific Ports – The Pacific Current Newsletter for December 17, 2015

The Pacific Current  December 17, 2015 It’s not too late to register or reserve a hotel room for our Winter Conference at our new location on the amazing Big Island in Hawaii! See below for details. And read on for our newest Associate Member and how the Port of Portland has helped return container service to the […]

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Port of Oakland Launches Hotline, Live Chat, and Office Hours

P R E S S    R E L E A S E FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Port of Oakland launches hotline, live chat, and office hours New outreach programs for greater community engagement   Oakland, Calif.–December 15, 2015–Today the Port of Oakland launched a new toll-free telephone hotline, Web site live chat, and office hours in […]

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