Port Stands Ready to Help Chronicle Editorial Goals
(A portion of this letter was printed in the January 5th San Francisco Chronicle in response to editorial Dec. 21) http://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Work-to-save-San-Francisco-Bay-only-just-begun-6713635.php
By Dick Claire
Redwood City Port Commission
The Port of Redwood City stands ready to help achieve the goals of the Chronicle’s editorial (Dec. 21) “Work to save San Francisco Bay only just begun.”
Just as the Port helped restoration of tidal marsh on Inner Bair Island, the Port is positioned to help future wetlands restoration projects along the south Bay shoreline.
The Port played a key role in jump-starting the restoration at Bair Island with dredged material from the Port’s channel.
Now a recommended $73 million draft plan to deepen the Redwood City Channel – the navigation corridor essential for commerce and the Port of Redwood City – has been issued by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.
The recommended plan would dredge 1.4 million cubic yards of “clean Bay mud” to get the channel to a more efficient depth of 32 feet.
The study examined disposal options that would help restoration of wetlands in South San Francisco Bay. These included Eden Landing Ecological Reserve in Hayward and Alviso Pond Complex. Use of these placement sites potentially offers cost savings and environmental benefits.
It is our hope the planning processes in Hayward and Alviso will move forward to help further restoration of our precious San Francisco Bay.
(Editor’s Note: Dick Claire has been on the Redwood City Port Commission for eight years. Prior to that, he was an elected member of the Redwood City Council for 21 years, including two terms as mayor).

Photo by Bob Donaldson shows breaching of Bair Island last December to allow the flow of waters from San Francisco Bay to form restoration.