Tag: policy

State Water Board Proposes Adjustments to Emergency Conservation Regulation

  State Water Board Staff Proposes Adjustments to Emergency Conservation Regulation; Governor Issues Executive Order on Long-Term Conservation May 9, 2016 | www.acwa.com The State Water Resources Control Board released a staff proposal today to modify the existing emergency water conservation regulation to reflect improved conditions and allow for more local decision making. The proposal was […]

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  • NewsWater
  • by BPC Staff
  • onApril 27, 2016

GOP Leader McCarthy Says Candidates Should Offer Drought Plan

GOP leader McCarthy says candidates should offer drought plan George Cahlink, E&E reporter Published: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Republican presidential candidates looking to do well in the Golden State’s June primary should offer a plan for dealing with its ongoing and historic drought. “My best advice to everyone […]

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Pesticide Water Quality Criteria Development for the Protection of Aquatic Life

  This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley (5).   The Central Valley Water Board has contracted with UC-Davis to develop five pesticide water quality criteria by April 2017. Water quality criteria under development: Oxyfluorfen Prometryn Simazine Trifluralin Fipronil   The draft water quality criteria reports will be posted […]

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‘A lot of ingredients’ in Senate WRDA Proposal

WATER POLICY: ‘A lot of ingredients’ in Senate WRDA proposal — Inhofe  Tiffany Stecker, E&E reporter Published: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will float a water resources authorization bill that deals as much with sewers and drinking water as it does with locks, dams and environmental restoration, according to a […]

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ACWA eNews for April 20, 2016

ACWA eNews for April 20, 2016 in ACWA eNews ACWA’s eNews is a weekly roundup of California water news and events. Water Managers Advocate for Changes – or Rescission – of Emergency Conservation Regulation Submitted by Pamela Martineau on Wed, 04/20/2016 – 4:38pm Local water managers from throughout California testified before the State Water Resources Control […]

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Senate Passes Energy Policy Modernization Act

Issue Alert provided by Family Farm Alliance: Issue Alert! April 20, 2016 Senate Passes Energy Policy Modernization Act Natural Resources Amendment Includes Several Western Water Provisions Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Senate earlier today passed S. 2012, the “Energy Policy Modernization Act” on an 85-12 roll call vote, after an important natural resources title was […]

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Senate Measure to Stop Obama’s Water Rule Fails

Senate measure to stop Obama water rule fails By Devin Henry – 04/21/16 12:28 PM EDT Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked a Republican effort to prevent further spending on an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule designed to establish federal regulatory control over small waterways. The measure, from Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), failed to meet the […]

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ACWA News for April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016 ACWA NewsAvailable Online Read this month’s ACWA News to find out the latest details on ACWA’s Spring Conference & Exhibition in Monterey where more than 80 programs and speakers will offer up-to-the minute insights on California water issues. Held May 3-6, the conference is themed “2016: It’s Go Time.” Other articles include: State […]

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