Tag: jobs

Applications Open for Port of Oakland Summer College Internship Program

Please do not respond to the Port Courier. Inquiries may be addressed to: Irene Sudderth at (510) 627-1379 or email portofoaklandintern@portoakland.com Dear Local Business Partner:   We are pleased to announce recruitment for the 2016 Summer College Internship Program.   We are currently recruiting college and graduate level students through a competitive selection process.  Up to […]

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BIA|Bay Area’s Plan Bay Area Housing & Jobs Tally as of November 2015

BIA|Bay Area’s Plan Bay Area Housing & Jobs Tally as of November 2015 Five years into the 30-year Plan Bay Area planning period, the San Francisco Bay Area remains woefully behind when it comes to providing adequate housing for its tens of thousands of new workers. As of November 2015, the Bay Area had permitted […]

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