Category: Weekly Reports

Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for February 27, 2018

  FORWARD SIGN UP TO RECEIVE PMM ONLINE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION   INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE     There’s One Born Every Minute By Chris Philips, Managing Editor   Many in the maritime industry have been proactive in calling for the establishment of international standards controlling air emissions from ships. In 2007, the World Shipping Council supported […]

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Pacific Maritime Online Magazine News for February 16, 2018

      SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION           INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE      Rhetoric   By Chris Philips,  Managing Editor     A draft proposal released by the Trump administration includes 47 potential Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas lease sales, including 19 off the coast of Alaska and […]

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Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for February 2, 2018

  FORWARD SIGN UP TO RECEIVE PMM ONLINE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION   INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE     Rhetoric By Chris Philips, Managing Editor   A draft proposal released by the Trump administration includes 47 potential Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas lease sales, including 19 off the coast of Alaska and seven in the Pacific […]

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Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for January 30, 2018

  FORWARD  SIGN UP TO RECEIVE PMM ONLINE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION     INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE   No Coal for You By Chris Philips,  Managing Editor     In the January print edition we discuss the rejection of two shoreline permits by a Washington State hearing examiner for the construction of a $680 million […]

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Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for January 16, 2018

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION     INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE   No Coal for You By Chris Philips,  Managing Editor     On page 19 of this issue we note the rejection of two shoreline permits by a Washington State hearing examiner for the construction of a $680 million coal terminal. Cowlitz County hearing examiner, […]

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