Category: Weekly Reports

PMM Online News for Tuesday, April 17, 2018

            INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE     Meaningful Tax Reform   By Chris Philips, Managing Editor     Acding to the Washington Public Ports Association, as many as half of US-bound containers coming into Canada’s West Coast ports could revert to using US West Coast ports if importers were not required to […]

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Pacific Maritime Magazine for April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018 Coast Guard Cutter Sherman Decommissioned  New Port of Seattle Environmental Committee  Hawaii Harbors Division Bonds Upgraded  Free Tours at Port of Olympia  Puget Sound Maritime Achievement Award  Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Karen Robes Meeks Coast Guard Cutter Sherman Decommissioned By Karen Robes Meeks After almost […]

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Pacific Maritime Magazine for March 9, 2018

  FORWARD SIGN UP TO RECEIVE PMM ONLINE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION   INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE     There’s One Born Every Minute By Chris Philips, Managing Editor   Many in the maritime industry have been proactive in calling for the establishment of international standards controlling air emissions from ships. In 2007, the World Shipping Council supported […]

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ENS Resources Federal Report for March 9, 2018

ENS Federal Report – March 9, 2018 View Report on ENS Website Share Tweet Link Forward Omnibus Spending Package Negotiators Working to Reach Finish Line Disagreement over several contentious policy riders has complicated the path to completing a $1.3 trillion fiscal year 2018 omnibus spending bill.  The standoff has raised a red flag over the […]

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Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for March 2, 2018

  FORWARD SIGN UP TO RECEIVE PMM ONLINE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION   INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE     There’s One Born Every Minute By Chris Philips, Managing Editor   Many in the maritime industry have been proactive in calling for the establishment of international standards controlling air emissions from ships. In 2007, the World Shipping Council supported […]

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