By Chris Philips,
Managing Editor
Acding to the Washington Public Ports Association, as many as half of US-bound containers coming into Canada’s West Coast ports could revert to using US West Coast ports if importers were not required to pay the harbor maintenance tax. Currently, the amount of collected tax meets all obligations, and this year, the surplus is set to grow to more than nine billion dollars. The majority will be spent on dredging …
LA Volumes Drop for March
After months of rising cargo numbers at the Port of Los Angeles, volumes last month dropped 27 percent from the same period last year…(Read full article)
Vancouver USA Seeks Public Input
The Port of Vancouver USA is asking the public to weigh in on its Terminal 1 waterfront development and planned public marketplace, as it plans to erect a dock structure over the Columbia River…(Read full article)
Port of Seattle Grants Funds for Tourism
By Karen Robes Meeks
Organizations dedicated to promoting tourism in Washington State recently received a financial boost from the Port of Seattle… (Read full article)
Puget Sound Maritime Achievement Award
The 2018 Puget Sound Maritime Achievement Award Selection Committee is accepting nominations for this year’s award. The recipients will be announced at the Seattle Propeller Club’s Maritime Festival breakfast to be held at the Seattle Waterfront Marriott on May 18… (Read full article)