Category: BPC News

Bay Area Business Coalition Letter regarding the Economic Prosperity Strategy

The Bay Planning Coalition, along with other member organizations of the Bay Area Business Coalition, have submitted a joint letter to express our concern with the recently published Economic Prosperity Strategy, and to record our opposition to the inclusion of the third Goal and the strategic recommendations stemming from that section of the report. Click the […]

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2014 BPC Joint WRRDA Letter

The Bay Planning Coalition, together with the California State Coastal Conservancy, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, Save the Bay, and the Bay Institute, have drafted a joint letter to the Senate and House of Representatives  members of the Committee on Appropriations to advocate for the full funding of the Water Resources and Research Development […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJune 3, 2014

BPC Presentation from the 2014 PIANC World Congress

Bay Planning Coalition Executive Director John Coleman gave a presentation at the 2014 PIANC World Congress on June 3, 2014 in San Francisco. John’s presentation focused on how small non-governmental organizations played an instrumental role in shaping dredging policy in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please find John’s full presentation from the 2014 PIANC World Congress at […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 22, 2014

Bay Planning Coalition Takes “Support” Position on SB 1184, Hancock

The Bay Planning Coalition’s Legislative and Policy Committee has voted to take a “Support if amended” position on Senate Bill 1184, introduced by Loni Hancock. This Bill is related to the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), and sea level ride adaptation planning. BPC has sent a letter to California Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Kevin […]

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  • by john
  • onMay 20, 2014

Bay Planning Coalition Decision Makers Conference Covered in Today’s Oakland Tribune!

Rising sea levels demand Bay Area balance profit and the future of the waterfront Oakland Tribune by Angela Woodall “OAKLAND — For 1,100 miles, the California coast threads like a ribbon past one of the most varied landscapes in the United States — farmland, airports, beach fronts, high-tech startups, forest and cargo ships with a […]

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  • BPC News
  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 9, 2014

One Week Until the 2014 Decision Makers Conference

Just one week from today, Bay Planning Coalition will host the 27th annual Decision Makers Conference, Maritime and Shoreline Industries of San Francisco Bay: Keys to a Thriving Economy & Healthy Environment, at the beautiful Scottish Rite Center on Lake Merritt, in Oakland, California.   Join elected officials, business and industry leaders, local government representatives, regulators, […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 5, 2014

Bay Planning Coalition Announces 2014 Frank C. Boerger Award Recipient

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                     May 5, 2014                                                         Bay Planning Coalition Announces 2014 Frank C. Boerger Award Recipient   Oakland, CA –  The Bay Planning Coalition (BPC) is pleased to announce that  R. Zachary Wasserman, a Partner at Oakland law firm Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean and Chairman of the San Francisco […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onApril 24, 2014

BPC’s April 2014 Newsletter

  The Bay Planning Coalition April 2014 Newsletter   Hello! Thanks for taking a minute to read our April Newsletter! We’re excited to share our recent activities and upcoming items of interest with you. Did you know we also post lots of daily news items on our website, collected specifically to be of use and […]

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