Tag: policy

Agenda for November 18-19, 2015 Board Meeting of the CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, SF Bay Region

This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region (2). The agenda for the November 18-19, 2015 Board Meeting is now available on the California Regional Water Quality Control Board’s website at: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sanfranciscobay/board_info/agenda.shtml

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ACWA eNews for November 4, 2015

ACWA eNews for Nov. 4, 2015 ACWA’s eNews is a weekly roundup of California water news and events. PBS NewsHour Explores Water Storage, Features ACWA’s Timothy Quinn Submitted by Pamela Martineau on Wed, 11/04/2015 – 9:45am PBS NewsHour on Nov. 3 ran a story on water storage in California which featured ACWA Executive Director Timothy […]

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Senate Approves Resolution to Scuttle Hot-Button Obama Rule

WATER POLICY: Senate approves resolution to scuttle hot-button Obama rule Annie Snider, E&E reporter Published: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Senate this afternoon passed a resolution to kill the Obama administration’s controversial water rule under the Congressional Review Act — opponents’ second attack on the rule after their lead measure was blocked by Democrats yesterday. […]

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Senate Democrats block bill to overturn EPA water rule

Senate Democrats block bill to overturn EPA water rule By Kevin Rogers A bill from Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., that would overturn the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to clarify the scope of Clean Water Act won’t move forward in the Senate, after Democrats blocked cloture on the measure. Barrasso’s bill would have sent the Clean […]

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Notice of Opportunity to Comment and of Public Meeting and Consideration of Adoption for Strategy to Optimize Resource Management of Storm Water

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. A Notice of Opportunity to Comment and Notice of Public Meeting and Consideration of Adoption regarding Strategy to Optimize Resource Management of Storm Water were released. Please, click here to view the Notices. The Public Meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2015. Comment deadline is […]

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Updates to BCDC Website on October 30, 2015

BCDC posted on its website (http://www.bcdc.ca.gov) the revised commission meeting notice, information about BCDC, the Bay, and other issues relevant to the Commission at http://www.bcdc.ca.gov/cm/2015/1023Supplemental.html You may also find information about BCDC Commission meetings at any time at http://www.bcdc.ca.gov/cm/cm_mtng.shtml If you have questions or concerns about BCDC activities, please call BCDC’s office at (415) 352-3600 or E-mail them […]

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Notice of Petition, Public Hearing, and Pre-Hearing for Changes in Water Rights

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. A Notice of Petition Requesting Changes in Water Rights of the Department of Water Resources and U.S Bureau Reclamation for the California WaterFix Project and Notice of Public Hearing and Pre-Hearing Conference to Consider the above Petition have been released. The Pre-Hearing is scheduled […]

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