Tag: environment

Feinstein, Boxer float bill to fund restoration of San Francisco Bay

Feinstein, Boxer float bill to fund restoration of San Francisco Bay By Debra Kahn, E&E reporter Published: Friday, February 27, 2015 California’s senators yesterday introduced a bill to fund restoration of San Francisco Bay activities. The “San Francisco Bay Restoration Act” would amend the Clean Water Act to require an annual list of restoration priorities […]

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Bay Area Climate News – February 2015

February News from the Bay Area Climate & Energy Resilience Project  A Project of the Bay Area Joint Policy Committee   Sign up now for 2 great BACERP webinars on March 4 and 11. RSVP to bruce@bayareajpc.net. Ohmconnect: Getting Paid to Cut Pollution — Presentation and Q&A with Curtis Tongue, Co-Founder and Executive Director — March 4, 11am – […]

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Nature Conservancy White Paper – “New Prospects for Financing Natural Infrastructure.”

On February 13th, the Nature Conservancy’s California office released a white paper, “New Prospects for Financing Natural Infrastructure.”  The principal author is Mark Zimring.  The paper explores financing options for the “horizontal levee,” an innovative concept to protect San Francisco Bay from sea level rise and address other threats while providing multiple benefits, in part […]

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2015 IEP Workshop (March 18-20) – Registration Now Open

Registration for the 2015 Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) Workshop is now open! Early registration pricing (available until March 10th) will be: $130 for all participants. For more information about registration and to view the complete workshop agenda, please click here. If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact Irene Maglangit at Irene.Maglangit@wildlife.ca.gov.

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USACE Civil Works Program: FY-15 Work Plans

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, through the Army Civil Works Program, has released their FY-15 Work Plan for construction, investigations, and a variety of other programs and projects. You can access these documents by clicking on the links below: Civil Works Program, FY15 – Construction Civil Works Program, FY15 – Investigations Civil Works Program, […]

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President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for Reclamation is $1.1 Billion

President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for Reclamation is $1.1 Billion  Administration Initiatives Support Healthy and Sustainable Water Supplies, America’s Great Outdoors, Renewable Energy, Infrastructure Needs and Strengthening Tribal Nations   WASHINGTON – President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2016 budget request released today identifies a total of $1.1 billion for the Department of the Interior’s […]

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California Capitol Hill Bulletin – January 29, 2015

California Capitol Hill Bulletin Volume 22, Bulletin 4 – January 29, 2015 Click here to view online CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE: Trade: Senate and House Committees Review Trade Policy Agenda Education: Senate Committee Discusses Teacher Support Fixes to No Child Left Behind Energy: Senate Committee Debates Liquid Natural Gas Exports Criminal Justice: House Passes Several […]

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E&E Daily: Natural Resources – Grijalva Unveils Democratic Subcommittee Assignments

AN E&E PUBLISHING SERVICE NATURAL RESOURCES: Grijalva plans protest, unveils Democratic subcommittee assignments Corbin Hiar, E&E reporter Published: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 At today’s House Natural Resources Committee organizational meeting, Democrats plan to protest the decision of Chairman Rob Bishop (R-Utah) to shake up the panel’s subcommittee structure, ranking member Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said yesterday. […]

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