- by BPC Staff
- onDecember 4, 2018
Experienced lawyers dedicated to excellence in the practice of land use, environmental, and natural resources law Briscoe Ivester & Bazel– counsel to many of the Coalition’s members– has over the past four decades played leading roles in the development of the Bay Area and in the work of the Coalition, including the very founding […]
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Contra Costa County has published an updated draft of its Renewable Resource Potential Study; a project which BPC has been involved in as a stakeholder over the course of 2018. The study is meant to identify opportunities and potential public policy solutions for bringing more renewable energy to Contra Costa County. Final comments were collected […]
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Click here for the presentation slides from our recent Dredging and Beneficial Reuse Workshop.
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As we have covered in our previous newsletters, BPC has taken official positions on several measures on the November ballot: PROPOSITION 3: YES Proposition 3, the Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018, will invest over $8 billion in California water infrastructure, including key categories like: safe drinking water, Sustainable Groundwater Management (SGMA) implementation, […]
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On October 4, BPC staff member Brianne Riley attended the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s (BCDC) Environmental Justice Working Group meeting. Topics of discussion included a timeline update on the Environmental Justice and Social Equity Bay Plan Amendment and BCDC’s Bay Plan Policies Regarding Public Access. These are efforts that we plan to […]
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The San Francisco District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in cooperation with the USACE’s Sacramento District and NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) California Coastal and Central Valley Divisions in NMFS’ West Coast Region has released the final version of its Proposed Additional Procedures and Criteria for Permitting Projects under a Programmatic […]
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On September 19, Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 2441 into law. This bill, sponsored by Assemblymember Jim Frazier, secures a necessary ongoing source of funding for the removal of commercial vessels that have been abandoned or left derelict in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Abandoned vessels and the issues related to them are key topics of […]
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At their meeting on Monday, September 17, the Bay Planning Coalition Board of Directors voted to take an official position against California statewide ballot measure Proposition 6, which will be on the ballot in November. According to the related entry on ballotpedia.org, Proposition 6 would “repeal the gas and diesel tax increases and vehicle fees […]
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This month, BPC signed onto a second coalition letter spearheaded by the California Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA), which expresses some concerns and recommendations for the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Community Air Protection Blueprint. CARB approved the Community Air Protection Blueprint at its Board meeting on September 27. BPC has been, and continues to […]
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On August 21 a group of BPC members met with Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia and top staff members from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to discuss the implementation of AB 617 at both the state and local level. Supervisor Gioia is a BAAQMD Board Member as well as a member […]
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