Category: Public Policy

Pesticide Water Quality Criteria Development for the Protection of Aquatic Life

  This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley (5).   The Central Valley Water Board has contracted with UC-Davis to develop five pesticide water quality criteria by April 2017. Water quality criteria under development: Oxyfluorfen Prometryn Simazine Trifluralin Fipronil   The draft water quality criteria reports will be posted […]

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‘A lot of ingredients’ in Senate WRDA Proposal

WATER POLICY: ‘A lot of ingredients’ in Senate WRDA proposal — Inhofe  Tiffany Stecker, E&E reporter Published: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will float a water resources authorization bill that deals as much with sewers and drinking water as it does with locks, dams and environmental restoration, according to a […]

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ACWA eNews for April 20, 2016

ACWA eNews for April 20, 2016 in ACWA eNews ACWA’s eNews is a weekly roundup of California water news and events. Water Managers Advocate for Changes – or Rescission – of Emergency Conservation Regulation Submitted by Pamela Martineau on Wed, 04/20/2016 – 4:38pm Local water managers from throughout California testified before the State Water Resources Control […]

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Senate Passes Energy Policy Modernization Act

Issue Alert provided by Family Farm Alliance: Issue Alert! April 20, 2016 Senate Passes Energy Policy Modernization Act Natural Resources Amendment Includes Several Western Water Provisions Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Senate earlier today passed S. 2012, the “Energy Policy Modernization Act” on an 85-12 roll call vote, after an important natural resources title was […]

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Inhofe Signals Support for Drought Relief in WRDA Bill

Inhofe signals support for drought relief in WRDA bill Tiffany Stecker, E&E reporter Published: Thursday, April 21, 2016 Next week’s massive water resources bill could include a boost for desalination projects and other efforts to increase water supply for droughts, the top senator on the Environment and Public Works Committee said yesterday. Sen. Jim Inhofe […]

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Wendel Rosen Black & Dean Client Alert for April 21, 2016

Land Use News from Wendel Rosen Oakland City Council Approves Impact Fees April 21, 2016 As we recently reported, the City of Oakland has been hammering out details of new development impact fees for the past several months. On April 19 the Oakland City Council approved two new fee ordinances in essentially the same form […]

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ACWA News for April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016 ACWA NewsAvailable Online Read this month’s ACWA News to find out the latest details on ACWA’s Spring Conference & Exhibition in Monterey where more than 80 programs and speakers will offer up-to-the minute insights on California water issues. Held May 3-6, the conference is themed “2016: It’s Go Time.” Other articles include: State […]

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BPC Letter to Bay Area Delegation on Long-Term Water Conservation and Management Strategy

The Bay Planning Coalition (BPC) submitted a formal letter to all Assembly and Senate members of the Bay Area to request advocacy for a more sustainable approach to water conservation that complements the critical plans for and local investments in water supply reliability actions needed to meet California’s 21st century water needs. In regards to the State […]

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BPC Letter in Support of H.R. 4615

The Bay Planning Coalition supports U.S. Representative Jared Huffman’s sponsorship of H.R. 4615, the Water Conservation Rebate Tax Parity Act. H.R. 4615 would amend the Internal Revenue Service Code to exclude water conservation, efficiency and storm water management rebates from local water agencies to their ratepayers from being considered part of the recipients’ gross income for […]

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