Category: News

PMM Online News for March 30, 2018

    FORWARD  SIGN UP TO RECEIVE PMM ONLINE         SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION           INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE      Meaningful Tax Reform   By Chris Philips, Managing Editor     According to the Washington Public Ports Association, as many as half of US-bound containers coming into Canada’s […]

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Trump: ‘We probably have to wait until after the election’ to pass infrastructure bill’

Trump: ‘We probably have to wait until after the election’ Hannah Northey and Nick Sobczyk, E&E News reporters Published: Thursday, March 29, 2018 President Trump visited Richfield, Ohio, today to discuss his plan for investing in the nation’s infrastructure. C-SPAN President Trump conceded that the “biggest, boldest infrastructure plan” he pitched in rural Ohio may not make it […]

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  • News
  • by BPC Staff
  • onMarch 26, 2018

State on front line in a trade war

State on front line in a trade war Bay Area could be hit hard if U.S. tariff dispute with China escalates By David R. Baker Chinese officials on Friday announced a list of U.S. imports they will target if their tariff dispute with President Trump erupts into a trade war. It’s a list that places […]

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