Category: Environment

San Francisco Estuary Institute’s RMP Annual Meeting on October 7, 2016   •   RMP Annual Meeting   •   2016 The Annual Meeting of the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (RMP) will be held Friday, October 7, 2016 from 9 AM to 4:10 PM at the David Brower Center on 2150 Allston Way in Berkeley. The theme of the meeting is “Science to […]

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Egeria Densa, Curlyleaf Pondweed Control Treatments for August 8 Through August 12, 2016

Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Control Program CA State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways Egeria Densa, Curlyleaf  Pondweed Treatment for August 8 thru August 12, 2016 View Larger Image “Treatment sites and schedules are subject to change based on regulatory requirements, weather conditions, plant growth and movement, waterway traffic, listed fish presence surveys, and other conditions.” […]

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Water Hyacinth and Spongeplant Control Treatments for August 8 Through August 12, 2016

FLOATING AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM    CA State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways Water Hyacinth and Spongeplant Treatments for August 8 thru August 12, 2016 View Larger Image “Treatment sites and schedules are subject to change based on regulatory requirements, weather conditions, plant growth and movement, waterway traffic, listed fish presence surveys, and other […]

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CRI Bay Area Climate News for August 2016

                 BAY AREA CLIMATE NEWS August 2016 The Big Picture Climate Change: 2 Platforms We’re Lucky Climate Change Did Not Happen Sooner David Archer’s fascinating proposal, published in Climatic Change, that we are VERY fortunate the pre-industrial CO2 level was 280 ppm in 1750. If this “background” CO2level had been substantially lower, our fossil fuel burning […]

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Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Update for July 2016

Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update July 2016 Land Use Developments   July 5, 2016 – Court Rejects City’s Anti-SLAPP Claim Regarding Would-Be NFL Stadium in Carson   July 5, 2016 – Development Project May be Declared Consistent with General Plan Even if Quantitative Standards Exceeded   July 14, 2016 – […]

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Water Hyacinth and Spongeplant Control Treatments for July 25 Through July 29, 2016

FLOATING AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM    CA State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways Water Hyacinth and Spongeplant    Treatments for July 25 thru July 29, 2016 View Larger Image “Treatment sites and schedules are subject to change based on regulatory requirements, weather conditions, plant growth and movement, waterway traffic, listed fish presence surveys, and other […]

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Egeria Dense, Curlyleaf Pondweed Control Treatments for July 25 Through July 29, 2016

Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Control Program   CA State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways Egeria Densa, Curlyleaf  Pondweed Treatment for July 25 thru July 29, 2016 View Larger Image “Treatment sites and schedules are subject to change based on regulatory requirements, weather conditions, plant growth and movement, waterway traffic, listed fish presence surveys, and other conditions.” […]

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The Bulletin Newsletter from San Francisco Bay Joint Venture for July 20, 2016

            THE BULLETIN              timely news from the SFBJV   July 20, 2016 New Decision Support Tool available for identifying & mapping San Francisco Bay Estuarine-Terrestrial Transitional Zones Thanks to the efforts of Brian Fulfrost of Brian Fulfrost and Associates and David Thomson with San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory, a […]

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WRA, Inc. Opens New Office in Emeryville, California

WRA Opens New Emeryville Office After 35 years in the Bay Area, WRA, Inc. is expanding our geographic reach on a local, yet strategic scale.  We are excited to announce our new Emeryville office is officially open for business!  WRA has opened the new office to offer more support for our current and future clients in […]

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