CPO supports competitive research through four major Programs: Climate Observations and Monitoring (COM); Earth System Science (ESS); Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP); and Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI).
Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund
This fund supports small grassroots groups throughout greater northern
California that are tackling tough environmental problems including toxic pollution, urban sprawl, sustainable agriculture, climate change, environmental degradation of our rivers and wild places, communities and our health.
By August 12
Bureau of Land Management Avian Conservation Population Habitat Monitoring
To achieve positive outcomes for conservation of avian species diversity with robust, sustainable populations of native bird species, the BLM seeks out
partners likewise engaged in avian conservation and protection of high-quality
or potentially high-quality avian habitats, with an emphasis on bird species of management concern.
By August 15
These funds support projects designed to help preserve California’s wilderness and native biological diversity and/or benefit the water quality of many
of California’s watersheds and their ecosystems.
By August 31
Proposition 1 – California Stream Flow Enhancement Program
This funding through the Wildlife Conservation Board will be awarded to
programs that provide support for anadromous fish; special status, threatened, endangered or at risk species; provide wildlife corridors; and/or provide
resilience to climate change.
By August 31
Environmental Enhancement Fund Grant Program
The objective of this grant program, administered by the California Department
of Fish and Wildlife, is to award grants to nonprofit organizations, cities, counties, districts, state agencies, and departments; and, to federal agencies to support environmental enhancement projects located within or immediately adjacent to waters of the state.