Category: Environment

Check Out The Final Projects That Will Shape The Future of The Bay Area

Bay Area Challenge Final Design Concepts Announced   In May 2017, the Bay Area Challenge launched with a regional call to action to bring together local residents, community organizations, public officials and local, national, and international experts to develop innovative solutions that will strengthen the region’s resilience to sea level rise, severe storms, flooding, and earthquakes. […]

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When Should Landowners Seek Permits for “Incidental Taking” of Endangered Species?

    Newsletter May 7, 2018     WHEN SHOULD LANDOWNERS SEEK PERMITS FOR  “INCIDENTAL TAKING” OF ENDANGERED SPECIES?   Questions often arise whether land use and development activities would modify wildlife habitat in ways that “take” endangered species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has published a guidance memorandum explaining what landowners should consider […]

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2019 Sediments Conference: Abstracts Due June 29

    Abstracts Due June 29, 2018 The Call for Abstracts is now available. Please review the abstract format/content requirements and the tentative technical topic list, then submit your abstract to be included in the multilevel review that will begin in July 2018.   Major Topic Areas Not an exhaustive list, abstracts are welcome on all relevant topics. ·     […]

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The National Priorities: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Request for Application (RFA)

RFA Opening date correction The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announces the release of its National Priorities: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Request for Application (RFA). URL: Open Date: May 4, 2018 ­– June. 18, 2018 National Priorities: Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances Background: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announces the release of its National Priorities: Per- […]

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Pearls – Estuary News for May 2018

MAY   2 0 1 8 Nuggets of Bay-Delta news—pearls in the ocean of information—curated by the reporters and editors of ESTUARY News magazine.      N E W S     The country’s tiniest falcon—the stunning American kestrel—is declining throughout the United States, and California seems especially hard hit: Kestrel numbers during the Golden […]

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