- Anchorage Daily News: Alaska nets $28.1 million in North Slope and Beaufort Sea oil lease sales
- The Wall Street Journal: Oil Giants Start to Dominate U.S. Shale Boom
- Reuters: U.S. shale surge boosts industry finances, puts deals in spotlight
- Bloomberg: Two Words That Sent the Oil Market Plunging: Negative Gamma
- The Wall Street Journal: California to Conduct Wide-Ranging Review of PG&E, Including Possible Breakup
- Platts: US FERC expands grid ROE plan, launches policy review
- The Associated Press: Utility asked last month to hike bills over California fires
- Bloomberg: First U.S. Residential Solar Projects Turn to Output Insurance
- Utility Dive: Pennsylvania DEP solar plan aims for 10% solar generation by 2030
- Bloomberg: VW Builds Europe’s Biggest E-Car Plant to Halt Tesla’s March
- Reuters: Tesla slashes prices on home solar systems to spur sales
- Reveal: California officials grill Tesla on safety problems exposed in Reveal investigation
- The Salt Lake Tribune: Oakland cancels Bay Area port project that would ship Utah coal
- Bloomberg Businessweek: Why ‘Clean Coal’ Is Being Embraced and Questioned
- E&E News: Congress spent millions to revive coal country. Did it work?
- Alabama Media Group: Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant under investigation by NRC
- The Guardian: Energy company takes stance against Trump effort to rollback mercury rule
- Financial Times: China emerges as powerbroker in global climate talk