- The Center for Public Integrity: Drilling overwhelms agency protecting America’s lands
- The Wall Street Journal: OPEC Defends Itself After Saudi Study Questions Its Future
- Platts: Oil industry-backed blockchain platform set to go live by end-2018
- The Wall Street Journal: Saudi Oil Diplomacy Just Took a Big Hit
- Financial Times: Shell and Anadarko in dispute over Mozambique ga
- The Associated Press: New Mexico weighs options for reusing oil and gas wastewater
- The Wall Street Journal: Big Oil Is Now Thrifty-but That Comes at a Cost
- Financial Times: Oil majors switch on to a future in power generation
- The Associated Press: Fires put pressure on California utilities despite new law
- Bloomberg: Edison and PG&E Are About to Face Lawsuits Over California Wildfires
- Platts: FERC chair warns of retroactive ratemaking in ISO-NE order
- RTO Insider: NERC to Try Again on Inverter Rules
- Bloomberg: From Google to Facebook, Big Data Is Driving Green Energy Shift
- Platts: Electric vehicle solid state battery technology likely a decade away: BMO
- Bloomberg: Coal Demand Bounced Back in 2017 After Two Years of Decline: IEA
- Aiken Standard: At least 500 MOX workers to be laid off at start of 2019
- Financial Times: Ford open to working with foreign rivals on driverless cars