CASA Connects for October 30, 2018

Regulatory Update
CASA Weighs in on Proposed Changes to State Revolving Fund Policy
On October 19, CASA submitted comments on proposed revisions to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Policy. Facing unprecedented demand for funding, the State Water Board is proposing a new scoring system to rank applications and establish a fundable list of projects. Many of CASA’s comments addressed the proposed ranking criteria and whether the system will provide sufficient separation of projects to allow for a clear cutoff score. 
State Water Board Releases Draft Toxicity Provisions
On October 19, the Water Board released new draft toxicity provisions for review and comment. The intent of the new provisions is to set statewide numeric water quality objectives for both acute and chronic toxicity and establish an implementation program. This new approach has the potential to significantly impact future permit conditions for dischargers to inland surface waters.
CASA has been working with the Water Board to refine these provisions over the last several years. In 2017, we submitted several suggestions responding to the prior proposed draft. 
Member News 
Welcome Roger Bailey, CASA’s Newest Board Member!
Roger Bailey, general manager of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, has been appointed to the CASA Board of Directors. Roger has led the team at Central San since 2013 and has previous experience at a number of other municipalities including the City of San Diego. In September, the Board voted to appoint Roger to serve out the remainder of a three-year term vacated by the resignation of Ashwini Kantak.
Learn more about Roger.
CASA Biosolids Research Shortlisted for Full Proposal
Over the last year, CASA has been exploring various opportunities to quantify the benefits of using biosolids to reclaim fire ravaged land. The research project is one step closer to implementation. CASA’s pre-proposal to the Water Research Foundation has now been added to the shortlist of agencies invited to submit a full proposal. If the full proposal is ultimately accepted, CASA will be able to execute the work outlined in the proposal. Full proposals are due November 29.
CASA Facilitates Further Collaboration with Solid Waste Sector
On October 15, the wastewater and solid waste sectors held the fourth in a series of meetings designed to further mutual understanding of perspectives on important issues facing our collective communities. Over 50 people attended the meeting at EBMUD’s wastewater treatment plant, including regulators from CalRecycle and representatives from both the solid waste and wastewater communities. Representatives discussed opportunities for enhanced renewable resource production, pending solid waste tracking regulations, and forthcoming organics diversion regulations. 
City of Davis Earns Envision Silver Award
On October 24, the City of Davis hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for its upgraded Wastewater Treatment Plant. The facility earned the Envision Silver Award for sustainable infrastructure. The award was accepted by several elected officials and key contributors to the project. The upgrade is a significant accomplishment many years in the making. Congratulations to the City on this important milestone!
Environmental Protection Agency Releases RFA for National Student Design Competition
The Environmental Protection Agency released a request for applications for the annual P3 Award. This collegiate national student design competition is focused on people, prosperity and the planet and promotes the use of scientific and engineering principles to create innovative projects to address environmental challenges and develop real-world solutions. The RFA is seeking applications in the research areas of air quality, safe and sustainable water resources, sustainable and healthy communities, and chemical safety.
Mark Your Calendar
CASA Winter Conference Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for the 2019 Winter Conference. We hope you will join us in the new year at a new location: The Renaissance in Indian Wells on January 23-25, 2019.
CASA Attorneys: Join us at the NACWA/CASA California Legal Forum & Luncheon
Attention California clean water leaders and legal experts: Join us at the NACWA/CASA California Legal Forum & Luncheon on November 15 in San Diego where we will discuss unique California clean water legal challenges.
Nov. 14 – 16
Jan. 23 – 25, 2019
Feb. 25-27, 2019
Aug. 21-23, 2019
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