- The New York Times: Driven by Trump Policy Changes, Fracking Booms on Public Lands
- The Guardian: Rebounding oil prices buoy BP at a crucial time
- Financial Times: Big oil persists with spending discipline mantra
- Platts: US FERC repeats cumulative impact concerns about three LNG terminals in Brownsville, Texas
- Utility Dive: ISO-NE, generators spar over fuel security at FERC
- Bloomberg BNA: Utilities Would Get Clarity on Cyber Info Sharing Under Energy Rule
- Reuters: Tesla says has not received subpoena on Model 3 production
- The New York Times: Tesla says has not received subpoena on Model 3 production
- RTO Insider: Avangrid Q3 Earnings Call Highlights Offshore Wind
- E&E News: A Midwest Energy Transition Will Help Drive Future U.S. Emissions Reductions
- Bloomberg: The Myth of Donald Trump’s ‘Beautiful Clean Coal’
- The Associated Press: Utah denies EnergySolutions from accepting depleted uranium
- Wisconsin State Journal: As Trump wavers on Yucca Mountain, nuclear waste, costs mount
- Reuters: 20 U.S. states, major cities urge Trump to drop fuel efficiency freeze
- Bloomberg: Pension Funds Point Finger at Lobbyists of Polluting Companies
- Reuters: U.N. shipping agency pushes ahead with tougher marine fuel rules
- Chicago Tribune: Trump and Rauner administrations knew about Sterigenics cancer risks months before telling public
- The Guardian: Air pollution is the ‘new tobacco’, warns WHO head