- Financial Times: Oil groups shut Gulf platforms in storm Nate’s path
- The Washington Post: Interior Department worked behind the scenes with energy industry to reverse royalties rule
- The Associated Press: Judge Rules Natural Gas Company Can Inject Wastewater
- CNBC: Oil drilling executive says the US ‘has become the world’s marginal producer’ as exports hit record high
- The Wall Street Journal: U.S. Shale Juggernaut Shows Signs of Fatigue
- The Hill: Musk: Tesla can rebuild Puerto Rico power grid
- Utility Dive: A trio of storms could mean grid modernization in hard-hit areas
- WTOP: Facebook to build $750M data center in Virginia
- Bloomberg: U.S. Trade Dispute Scaring Companies From Buying Solar Power
- Bloomberg: Embattled Solar and Wind Industries Turn to Conservatives for Help
- Quartz: The surprising ways to cash in on the electric-car boom
- The New York Times: Trump Nominates a Coal Lobbyist to Be No. 2 at E.P.A.
- Bloomberg: The Coal Fan With a Chance to Tip the Scales in Its Favor
- The Charleston Post and Courier: Santee Cooper to consider interim CEO at Friday meeting in wake of scuttled nuclear reactors
- The Hartford Business Journal: Courtney targets nuclear waste
- The Miami New Times: State Senator Says FPL Isn’t Preparing Miami’s Nuclear Plant for Sea-Level Rise