- The Hill: Court blocks Trump’s ‘unlawful’ delay of Obama methane leak rule
- CNBC: Russia’s energy minister says compliance for OPEC production cut is ‘almost 100 percent’
- The Boulder Daily Camera: Lafayette delays vote on fracking moratorium
- Bloomberg: Cheap Option to the Oil Sands Emerges as Hot Play in Canada
- Bloomberg: Sempra Revises $9.45 Billion Oncor Deal to Win Over Texas
- The Salt Lake Tribune: Western guvs pledge to create regional recharging network for electric cars
- Reuters: The bankrupt utility behind Puerto Rico’s power crisis
- The Salt Lake Tribune: Solar groups and utility made a deal because ‘in Utah, we do things differently’
- The Associated Press: Renewable energy fans flex lobbying muscles in Massachusetts
- The Washington Post: Three Trump Cabinet members attended mining lobbyist meeting at Trump International Hotel
- E&E News: Trump’s cash-for-coal plan rewards political base
- Cape Cod Times: Pilgrim owner backs off another nuclear plant closure
- The Tri-City Herald: More dirt caves in during work to stabilize Hanford nuclear waste tunnel