- The LA Times: Small earthquakes can increase risk of the Big One. Now, seismologists say they can create public quake forecasts
- The LA Times: Taxpayer money was wrongly used to plan California water tunnel project, federal audit says
- The Sacramento Bee: Frustratoin, friction flashed behind the scenes as Oroville Dam emergency grew
- News Deeply – Water Deeply: Study: Rivers Recover Faster Than Expected After Dam Removal
- The Sacramento Bee: Audit finds improper taxpayer subsidies for Delta tunnels. Will it halt the project?
- Mercury News Editorial Board: Editorial: Delta tunnel ‘WaterFix’ vote now? Santa Clara Valley should say no way
- Multi Briefs: Delaying vote on California’s Delta Tunnels gives estuary hope
- High Country News: How oceans impact Western reservoirs and rivers
- KQED Science: Design Teams Attack Growing Threat for Bay Area Flooding: Rising Seas
- California Water Blog: Floodplains in California’s Future
- NRDC: New Report Finds Big Mismatches in SoCal Water Plans
- Circle of Blue: California’s Clean-Water-For-All Experiment Begins to Deliver
- The Patch: Volunteers Needed For Coastal Cleanup Day 2017
- Peninsula Daily News: HORSEPLAY: Fresh water is important for animals
- Phys.Org: A deadly herpes virus is threatening oysters around the world
- The Sierra Sun: Denis Peirce: Salmon counts looking good on rivers
- The Times Standard: Wood in the river? Leave it there, local biologist says
- The East Bay Times: California Coastal Cleanup Day is Saturday: How to sign up
- The Los Angeles Times: Editorial Don’t bend California’s environmental rules for billionaire sports owners or the Olympics
- Ventura County Star: California turns 167; here are some statistics to celebrate