- Washington Examiner: GOP senators warn Trump to refrain from oil sanctions on Venezuela
- Reuters: IEA says strong oil demand growth helping market rebalance
- The Wall Street Journal: British Columbia Vows to Block Pipeline Expansion
- Utility Dive: Report: Utilities donate more to Republican candidates than to Democrats
- Washington Examiner: Trump’s FERC chairman says lack of quorum was historic
- Reuters: Staid utility investing world upended by green energy revolution
- CNBC: Dong Energy CEO says we’re at an ‘inflection point’ when it comes to renewables
- Wired: How Tesla’s Self-Driving Truck Scheme Can Dump Human Drivers
- Bloomberg: America’s other coal job, ignored by politicians, is dying fast
- The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Tennessee coal company that operates Cumberland mine cancels plans to go public
- The Associated Press: Coal mine layoffs latest fallout at Kemper power plant
- Bloomberg: The U.S. Nuclear Industry’s Last Hope Seeks Help From Trump
- The Associated Press: Utility pays bonuses to execs before nuclear project fails