- San Francisco Chronicle: Coalition forms to protect California’s threatened salmon runs
- Sacramento Bee: As Hurricane Harvey hits Gulf Coast, Central Valley must prepare for the coming storm
- News Deeply: The Delta Is Sinking: Scientists Think Planting Rice Will Help
- Associated Press: California Flood Plan Shifting To Giving Rivers More Room
- Capital Public Radio News: California Needs To Invest Billions For Flood Protection
- The Mercury News: Oroville Dam: Filling the large void in the damaged spillway
- Stockton Record: California’s drift away from levees continues
- News-Sentinel: New flood plan would reduce risks for Valley
- CALIFORNIA: What Cal Scientists Are Saying About Hurricane Harvey
- Washington Post: Hurricane Harvey shows how we underestimate flooding risks in …
- KPCC: How much might ‘the California Water Fix’ cost LA?
- Red, Green, and Blue: Central Basin Water Board holds off on Delta Tunnels vote
- Rocklin and Roseville Today: PCWA Files Suit Against California WaterFix
- CBS Sacramento: E. Coli Levels On The Rise Along Lower American River
- Davis Enterprise: Historic parternship signed to protect salmon in California
- San Francisco Examiner: California’s water wars pit farmers against local fishermen
- Pacific Standard: An Alarming Number of California Whales Are Getting Caught in …
- RTO Insider: California Agencies, Utilities Prep for Climate Change
- Newsmax: After Drinking Water, Will California Tax Air?
- California Water Blog: We hold our convenient truths to be self-evident – Dangerous ideas in California water
- California Water Blog: We hold our convenient truths to be self-evident – Dangerous ideas in California water