- San Francisco Chronicle: Floods possible as warmth melts heavy Sierra snowpack
- Chico Enterprise-Record: Questions, answers and a bit of scorn for DWR at Oroville meeting
- East Bay Times: Editorial: Politicians must demand answers on Oroville Dam
- Sierra Star: Compounding the water issue
- The Desert Sun: 42000 homes in California will be under water due to rising seas …
- Grist: Veggies grown with toilet water could be headed to your table
- Ecosystem Marketplace: Can California Tap Carbon Markets To Save Its Delta (And Its …
- Bay Nature: Sharks Are Dying By the Hundreds in San Francisco Bay
- Marin Independent Journal: More would like to go to beaches in Marin, state
- California Farm Bureau: Commentary: Guide helps farmers navigate water reporting rules
- Chico Enterprise-Record: Lundberg reappointed to food and ag board
Tags: California, policy, water