CA Water Leaders Take on the Capitol at the 2016 Public Policy Forum
Attendees prepare for their Capitol visit
It was a great day to be in the state’s Capitol for the CASA/WateReuse joint Public Policy Forum. Participants came from all over the state to advocate for the interests of wastewater and water organizations.
From hearing legislators speak on important water issues, to briefings on CASA priority legislation, to visits with lawmakers at the Capitol, it was a day well spent for the participants. Read more…
Advocacy Pays Off: Prop 1 Funds Approved!
One of CASA’s advocacy priorities appears to be on its way to a favorable resolution. CASA and WateReuse CA requested that legislators support allocation of approximately $320 million in remaining Proposition 1 Water Bond funding for recycled water projects in this budget year. This funding will give the State Water Board much needed flexibility to provide loans and grants for recycled water projects. Just last week the Governor’s office sent a request for the funds to be allocated consistent with our request, and a day after the policy forum a Budget Subcommittee recommended approval of the funds for this fiscal year.
CASA Files Amicus Brief in Clean Water Act “Conduit Theory” Case

CASA has joined a coalition of groups to file an amicus brief before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Hawaii Wildlife Fund v. County of Maui. The case is on appeal from a district court decision holding that a release of pollutants into groundwater that migrates to hydrologically connected navigable waters violates the Clean Water Act (CWA). If upheld, the district court ruling could significantly increase potential liability for local agencies under the CWA. CASA members could be found in violation of the CWA. Read more…
CASA Joins Water Leaders in Nation’s Capitol
Bobbi Larson to represent CASA members’ interests at Water Week 2016 |
CASA Executive Director Bobbi Larson joins local, state and regional water leaders in Washington D.C. April 10-16 for Water Week 2016. There, water sector organizations with members spanning the nation will come together to consider and advocate for national policies that advance clean and safe waters to ensure a healthy, sustainable environment. They’ll share perspectives, collaborate on solutions, meet with members of Congress and federal regulators, and celebrate achievements.
Bobbi will join CASA federal advocate Eric Sapirstein for meetings with the California congressional delegation to build on the support generated during the February Policy Forum in Washington, D.C. They’ll set out to make traction on CASA’s priority issues, including citizen suit reform, extended NPDES permit terms and infrastructure funding.
Deadline Extended for CASA Awards of Excellence |
Time is running out to apply for a CASA Award of Excellence. The deadline has been extended to Friday, April 29.
Award recipients will be announced at the CASA annual conference in August, and may be featured in conference programs, acknowledged in various CASA newsletters, social media and other communications, through press releases, and showcased on our website. Apply now!
Catch up on Past Issues of CASA Connects |
Now you can access past issues of CASA Connects right from our website. Finally have a few minutes to catch up on your reading? Grab a cup of coffee and peruse the past issues, just one click away from the home page on the Resources menu. You never know what you may have missed!
WERF is conducting a nationwide survey about the drivers, hindrances, and factors for continued success for water reuse projects. The survey is primarily directed at utilities, whether or not they have experience with water reuse projects.
The State Water Resources Control Board is hosting a public workshop on April 20 to discuss potential modifications to the current Emergency Regulation for Statewide Urban Water Conservation. They’re also conducting a workshop on April 18 to educate interested parties on continuous monitoring and adaptive control (CMAC).
Request for Proposal
The deadline for students to apply for a CASA Education Foundation scholarship is Friday, April 29. Please help spread the word about this valuable program. We’ve created a flier and press release template to help you communicate the opportunity. Learn more…
Now Hiring!
Steve Highter
We’re very sad to learn of the passing of one of our clean water community members. Steve Highter, a Supervising Engineer with the Public Information division of the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, was a respected member of the CASA Communications Workgroup, and an all-around nice guy. Our heart goes out to Steve’s family, friends, and colleagues.
A California water data collaborative has been honored by the White House. The joint effort included participation by East Bay Municipal Utility District, Eastern Municipal Water District, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Irvine Ranch Water District, Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, Moulton Niguel Water District and Santa Margarita Water District. The collaborative was established to accelerate smart water-use efficiency by leveraging water-use data from the 3.7 million people served by the agencies. Learn more…
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District is offering incentives for customers to purchase and install rain barrels. Read more…
April 10-16, 2016
Multiple organizations
Washington, D.C.
April 14, 2016
The Freshwater Trust
April 27, 2016 |
Santa Clara |
May 17-18, 2016 |
Special Districts |
Sacramento |
June 21, 2016
Biosolids & Renewable Energy Workshop
June 22, 2016 |
Biosolids & Renewable Energy Workshop |
Los Angelese |
Aug. 10-12, 2016 |
Annual Conference |
Monterey |