- Sacramento Bee: Federal, state officials move to demolish Klamath River dams
- Western Farm Press: Water decision another nail in agriculture’s coffin
- Kern Golden Empire: State water conservation numbers for cities throughout California
- Patch.com: Agency Relaxes Restrictions on Water Use
- Stockton Record: Drought woes continue at New Melones
- San Francisco Chronicle: Time for Plan B to save the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta
- San Jose Mercury News: Menlo Park: District seeks way to boost city’s emergency water supply
- Kern Valley Sun: Cal Water refunds surcharges
- Arizona Daily Star: Arizona wants legal assurances California won’t take its stored water
- Monterey Herald: Officials: Groundwater replenishment transfer pipeline to cost more than $41 million
- Daily Democrat: Aquifer recharge rules make sense
- Chico ER: Butte County Water Commission talking groundwater
- Los Banos Enterprise: Los Banos water tests high in contaminant for state standards
Tags: California, drought, water