ACWA eNews for November 26, 2014

  • by BPC Staff
  • on November 26, 2014

ACWA eNews for Nov. 26, 2014

ACWA’s eNews is a weekly roundup of California water news and events. Manage your subscription here.

Lake Oroville Hits Near-Record Low Levels

Despite receiving some runoff from last weekend’s rain showers, Lake Oroville has dipped to near-record lows set in 1977.

The reservoir, which has a capacity of 3.5 million acre-feet of water, held just 904,000 acre-feet on Nov. 25, or 26% of capacity. The reservoir continues to hover near the historic low of 890,000 acre-feet recorded in 1977. Earlier this month, Lake Oroville fell below levels set in 1991, which had been the second-lowest on record until this year.

SCWC, Clear Channel Outdoor Launch “Lawn Dude” Digital Billboards

The Southern California Water Committee, working in partnership with Clear Channel Outdoor, has launched the second phase of its Lawn Dude billboard campaign  with a digital messaging effort that advocates drought tolerant landscaping.

Governor Brown Announces Five Regional Water Quality Control Board Appointments

Gov. Brown announced yesterday the appointments of five individuals to three regional water quality control boards throughout the state.

Regional water quality control boards set water quality standards, issue waste discharge requirements, determine compliance and take enforcement actions within regional boundaries based on watersheds. Board members serve part time and are appointed by the Governor and must be confirmed by the state Senate.

Appointments announced Nov. 25 include:

North Coast Regional Water Control Board

ACWA Leaders Describe “New Chapter” in California Water in Sacramento Bee Op-Ed

ACWA President John Coleman and Vice President Kathy Tiegs described California’s extraordinary progress in water management this year in an op-ed that ran in the Sacramento Bee Sunday, Nov. 23.

DWR Announces Public Negotiations with State Water Project Contractors Beginning in December

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced on Nov. 24 that it will begin negotiations with State Water Project Contractors in December on proposed amendments to DWR’s water supply contracts with the 29 public agencies that purchase SWP water for distribution to their customers. The proposed amendments would define the rights and obligations of DWR and the contractors who would benefit from the Bay Delta Conservation Plan should the BDCP be implemented.

Senator Dianne Feinstein Releases Statement on Federal Drought Bill Efforts

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released a statement on Nov. 20 regarding efforts to pass an emergency drought-relief bill for California this year.

Sen. Feinstein’s statement said:

“Over the past several weeks I have been working closely with members of the California delegation who expressed interest in reaching a bipartisan agreement on legislation to address California’s drought crisis without violating the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act or biological opinions.

PCWA Taking Emergency Actions to Manage Post-King Fire Runoff and Sediment

The Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors in a Nov. 20 report outlined an emergency three-part plan to protect Ralston Afterbay following the massive King Fire that burned 97,717 acres in Placer County including parts of the Sierra watershed.

Blog Post: Local Water Reliablity Examined in Region 8,9 and 10 event

ACWA Region 10 Chair Peer Swan provides an overview of a two-day event sponsored by Regions 8, 9 and 10 in the latest entry in the Voices on Water blog.

The event examined local water supply reliability. Participants also toured the San Vicente Dam raise. Read the complete blog post here.

U.S. EPA Helps Redwood Valley County Water District Prepare for Climate Change

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded $30,000 in grants for training and technical assistance to help Redwood Valley County Water District assess the risks of climate change and take actions to increase the district’s resilience.

The RVCWD in Mendocino County is one of more than 20 communities nationwide that will receive the funding to help identify assets, threats, and adaptation options to reduce risk from climate change.

Water Storage Projects Should Be Part of Statewide, Integrated Plan, New Report Says

New water storage projects built in California should be part of an integrated, statewide water system plan, according to a new report released today.

State Senate Hearing Focuses on Streamlining Groundwater Rights Disputes

The Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water today held an informational hearing that focused on developing ways to resolve groundwater rights disputes more quickly.

Formally titled – “Resolving Disputes Regarding Groundwater: Why Does it Take So Long and What Might be Done to Accelerate the Process?” – the hearing offered an overview of how groundwater disputes are currently resolved in California and looked in depth at the lengthy Antelope Valley adjudication.

ACWA 2014 Fall Conference & Exhibition

Tue, 12/02/2014Fri, 12/05/2014

Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego

ACWA’s 2014 Fall Conference & Exhibition is set for Dec. 2-5, 2014, at the Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel in San Diego.


ACWA Region 3 Fall Conference Program

Wed, 12/03/2014

San Diego, CA

ACWA REGION 3 Fall Conference Program

Fire and Water:

Managing the Effects of Large Wildfires on Water Supply and Protecting the Watershed

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.­­­

Manchester Grand Hyatt – San Diego

Coronado A (4th Level)

ACWA Fall Conference Joint Regions 6 & 7 Program – San Diego, CA

Wed, 12/03/2014

San Diego, CA

ACWA Joint Regions 6 & 7 Program

Planning for the Next Flood


ACWA Fall Conference

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 | 2-3:15 p.m.

Manchester Grand Hyatt, Room: Coronado A (4th Level)

ACWA REGION 8 Fall Conference Program – San Diego, CA

Thu, 12/04/2014

San Diego, CA

ACWA REGION 8 Fall Conference Program

Navigating Success

A Road Map to Implementing Indirect Potable Reuse Projects

Thursday, December 4th, 2014 | 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.­­­

Manchester Grand Hyatt – San Diego

Coronado A (4th Level)

GRA Webinar:The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act — What You Need To Know

Wed, 12/10/2014 – 12:00pm1:30pm


The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act –
Effective January 1, 2015 – What You Need To Know

Wednesday, December 10, 2014
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Pacific Standard Time (San Francisco, GMT-08:00)

Managing Drought

Mon, 01/12/2015 – 9:00am2:00pm

Sheraton Grand Sacramento 1230 J Street, Magnolia Room, Sacramento

California’s historic drought is revealing strengths and weaknesses in how we manage our precious water resources. At this half-day event—coinciding with the beginning of a new legislative session—participants will examine Australia’s millennium drought, consider climate change and future droughts in California, look back at lessons from 2014, and look forward to policy priorities for 2015.

This event is made possible with funding from the California Water Foundation, an initiative of the Resources Legacy Fund.

Crafting Rates for Revenue Stability and Conservation

Thu, 01/15/2015

To be announced

If you are involved in your water utility’s rate setting efforts, plan to attend one of these workshops. Learn from experts and peers how to design rates that provide for stable revenue in challenging times while still sending effective conservation signals. Especially designed for water utility finance and senior management, conservation departments may  find  these  workshops  useful as well. $25  per person, includes lunch.

Partnering organizations:

ACWA 2015 DC Conference

Wed, 02/25/2015Thu, 02/26/2015

The Liaison Hotel, Washington, D.C.

ACWA’s 2015 Washington, D.C. Conference is set for February 25-26, 2015 at the Liaison Hotel in Washington, D.C. Further details to come.

Water Education Foundation Executive Briefing

Wed, 03/25/2015

Sacramento at the Red Lion Inn

2015 Executive Briefing

The Foundation’s annual Executive Briefing features speakers from water stakeholder groups, the Legislature and governmental agencies that play important roles in making policy decisions about water. The 31st Annual Executive Briefing will be March 25, 2015 in Sacramento at the Red Lion Inn.

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