Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary – July 11, 2014

  • by BPC Staff
  • on July 11, 2014

Economics Group – Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary

U.S. Review

More Evidence of a Tightening Labor Market

  •  While small business confidence dipped in June, the index remains above the range where it appeared to be stuck between 2011 and 2013.
  •  Firms are still looking to hire, with the NFIB hiring plans index climbing 2 points and the JOLTS report showing job openings in May reaching the highest level since mid-2007.
  • Minutes from the June FOMC meeting showed a split among members over inflation, with some still worried about it running too low and others seeing upside risks. The FOMC also discussed the potential steps for policy normalization

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Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary – July 11, 2014 
