Tag: land use

Miller Starr Regalia – Land Use & CEQA Developments for December 2017

Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update     December 2017 Land Use Developments December 7, 2017 – Huntington Beach Specific Plan Exempt From General Plan Consistency Requirement   December 27, 2017 – Ninth Circuit: Ventura County Outdoor Wedding Regulations Violate First Amendment   CEQA Developments December 1, 2017 – Fifth District Holds Cap-And-Trade Program Compliance Supports Refinery Project […]

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Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update – August 2017

    Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update         August 2017   Land Use Developments   August 14, 2017 – California Court of Appeal Again Rules in Favor of Public Against Billionaire Owner of Martins Beach   August 17, 2017 – Petitioner is Prevailing Party Entitled to Attorney Fees Where Undisputed Evidence Proves that […]

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MSR Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update – August 2017

Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update July 2017 Land Use Developments July 13, 2017 – California Supreme Court Holds that Landowners Forfeited Right to Challenge Conditions of Permit to Build New Seawall by Proceeding with Construction CEQA Developments July 17, 2017 – Supreme Disappointment: High Court’s Narrow Opinion In SANDAG RTP/SCS EIR Case Offers Little Guidance […]

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ABAG and MTC Adopts Plan Bay Area 2040: Blueprint for Transportation Investments and Land Use Decisions

On July 26, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) jointly adopted Plan Bay Area 2040, the Bay Area’s long-range blueprint to guide transportation investments and land use decisions through 2040, and its associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Watch the meeting recording and review the meeting’s agenda here. Plan Bay Area 2040 establishes […]

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Miller Starr Regalia Land Use & CEQA Developments Update for May 2017

      Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update           May 2017   Land Use Developments   May 15, 2017 – Court Holds that Attorney-Client Privilege Extends to Environmental Consultants Hired by an Attorney on Behalf of a Client, but Only to the Extent Communications are Made for the Purpose […]

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  • News
  • by BPC Staff
  • onFebruary 6, 2017

Scott Birkey, Cox Castle & Nicholson: Reforming Land Use Policies to Solve California’s Housing Problems

California’s Department of Housing and Community Development recently issued a draft report describing the state’s housing needs and challenges in light of new data indicating that ongoing production of new homes continues to fall far below the projected need of 180,000 additional homes annually.  The report, California’s Housing Future: Challenges and Opportunities, paints a bleak […]

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MSR Land Use & CEQA Developments Update for August 2016

Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update   August 2016   Land Use Developments   August 4, 2016 – Enacting and Enforcing Local Ordinances to Prohibit Medical Marijuana Dispensaries – Up in Smoke?   August 17, 2016 – By Basil “Bill”Shiber In A Condemnation Case, The Judge – Not Jury – Decides […]

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2016 California Land Use Law & Policy Conference

Miller Starr Regalia is proud to sponsor the California Land Use Law & Policy Third Annual Conference This year’s conference will focus on the new hurdles to private, state and community development projects in 2016 and beyond. Please join us on Monday, September 12th in Santa Monica to hear from the leading authorities on land […]

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Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Update for July 2016

Miller Starr Regalia’s Land Use & CEQA Developments Monthly Update July 2016 Land Use Developments   July 5, 2016 – Court Rejects City’s Anti-SLAPP Claim Regarding Would-Be NFL Stadium in Carson   July 5, 2016 – Development Project May be Declared Consistent with General Plan Even if Quantitative Standards Exceeded   July 14, 2016 – […]

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