On July 11, the Resources & Infrastructure and Legislative & Regulatory Committees met together to discuss and strategize around BPC’s approach to air quality policy. We came out of the productive meeting with several action items: Comment Letters: On July 23, BPC sent a comment letter on to the California Air Resources Board regardings its […]
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BAAQMD is forecasting tomorrow’s Air Quality Index to be unhealthy due to increased levels of ground-level ozone. People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Ozone can aggravate asthma, cause short term breathing difficulties, and cause lung inflammation. Help reduce the amount of air […]
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BAAQMD is forecasting Thursday’s Air Quality Index to be unhealthy due to increased levels of ground-level ozone. People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Ozone can aggravate asthma, cause short term breathing difficulties, and cause lung inflammation. Help reduce the amount of air […]
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BAAQMD is forecasting TODAY’s Air Quality Index to be unhealthy due to increased levels of ground-level ozone. People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Ozone can aggravate asthma, cause short term breathing difficulties, and cause lung inflammation. Help reduce the amount of air […]
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BAAQMD is forecasting tomorrow’s Air Quality Index to be unhealthy due to increased levels of ground-level ozone. People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Ozone can aggravate asthma, cause short term breathing difficulties, and cause lung inflammation. Help reduce the amount of air […]
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BAAQMD is forecasting tomorrow’s Air Quality Index to be unhealthy due to increased levels of ground-level ozone. People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Ozone can aggravate asthma, cause short term breathing difficulties, and cause lung inflammation. Help reduce the amount of air […]
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Come to a Spare the Air, Cool the Climate Open House A Blueprint for Clean Air and Climate Protection in the Bay Area Dear Bay Area Community, In January 2017, the Air District will release Spare the Air, Cool the Climate (2017 Plan), which will serve as a blueprint for clean air and climate protection in […]
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Click here to view the list of Open Houses and Workshops hosted by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
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