Category: Wells Fargo Weekly

  • by BPC Staff
  • onJuly 11, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary – July 11, 2014

Economics Group – Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary U.S. Review More Evidence of a Tightening Labor Market  While small business confidence dipped in June, the index remains above the range where it appeared to be stuck between 2011 and 2013.  Firms are still looking to hire, with the NFIB hiring plans index climbing 2 points and […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJune 30, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary – June 27, 2014

Economics Group Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary U.S. Review A Mostly Disappointing Week for Economic Data · The third look at first quarter GDP showed that the economy contracted at a 2.9 percent pace. A sizable portion of the downward revision was due to softer-than-estimated consumer spending for the quarter. · Housing market data came […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJune 20, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary – June 20, 2014

Economics Group Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary U.S. Review Inflationary Pressures Mounting, But Fed Holds Tight • Both headline and core CPI posted large gains in May. Meanwhile, the Fed downplayed rising inflation and generally maintained its previous outlook for monetary policy. • Industrial production came in stronger than expected, making the factory sector look […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJune 13, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary – June 13, 2014

Economics Group Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary U.S. Review Mixed Results from Economic Data Releases This Week Retail sales increased a lower-than-expected 0.3 percent in May, with the underlying details suggesting a slower pace of sales growth than originally estimated. Discretionary spending categories such as general merchandise, clothing stores and restaurants posted the largest declines. […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJune 6, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary – June 6, 2014

Economics Group Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary U.S. Review No Spring Swoon Going into June Payrolls added 217,000 workers in May, recouping all of the jobs lost during the recession, while the unemployment rate remained at 6.3 percent. The factory sector continues to make improvements with the ISM manufacturing index rising in May and factory […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJune 2, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary, May 30, 2014

Economics Group  – Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary U.S. Review Economy Contracts in Q1, Stronger Growth Ahead · Revised Q1 GDP figures showed that the economy contracted 1.0 percent, pulled down by weather effects along with much slower inventory building and weaker export growth. · Durable goods orders for April rose 0.8 percent following a 3.6 […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 27, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary, May 23, 2014

U.S.   Review As Good as It Gets. As Good as Can Be Expected. April’s housing data showed some modest improvement but remain disappointing relative to expectations at the start of the year. New home sales rose 6.4 percent in April, while sales of existing homes rose 1.3 percent. Mortgage applications for the purchase of a […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 19, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary, May 16, 2014

Mixed Data Unlikely to Change Fed’s Outlook · Although some indicators, such as retail sales and industrial production, came in lower than expected, there is little reason to expect the Fed to alter its current course of monetary policy. · Inflationary pressures picked up in April, with both the PPI and CPI accelerating in the […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 9, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary, May 9, 2014

From Bad to Worse: A Contraction in Q1 GDP Growth? · The trade balance data this week, for March, showed that the trade deficit was $40.4 billion, suggesting that all else equal, there will likely be a downward revision to the already-soft 0.1 percent GDP growth in Q1. · The ISM Non-Manufacturing index indicated that […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onMay 2, 2014

Wells Fargo Weekly Economic & Financial Commentary, May 2, 2014

Farewell to Winter Weather Woes · Nonfarm payrolls bid adieu to the sluggish pace of employment growth during the winter months. Payrolls surged by 288,000 jobs in April with upward revisions to February and March and the unemployment fell to 6.3 percent. The drop in the unemployment rate, however, was due to a significant decline […]

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