Category: Weekly Reports

Beacon Economics California Trade Report

August 2017 California Exports Edge Up California exporters saw modest gains in the latest numbers, recording a 2.8% year-over-year increase from June 2016 to June 2017 and continuing their upward trend. This growth looks even better when considering the high valuation of the U.S. dollar at the beginning of the year. Read Full Analysis Now SHARE:  Meet […]

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CASA Connects for August 7, 2017

Get a Jump Start on Conference Week CASA’s 62nd Annual Conference is right around the corner. Preview the program to plan out your days. Also, consider these tips to make the most of your participation. Take a look at the attendee list and plan your networking breaks.  Get the latest legislative, regulatory and communications updates from workgroup members. Find out […]

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2017 Pacific Maritime Magazine Ferries Conference – October 19, 2017

  Sponsorship                         Agenda                          Register                      SPONSORS         SUPPORTING  ORGANIZATION    PRODUCED BY            New Speakers  Mark Nagle – Expedia    Mark Nagle, Director of Global Real Estate for Expedia will participate on […]

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Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for August 1, 2017

    SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION           INSIDE PACIFIC MARITIME MAGAZINE       Your Money’s Worth    By Chris Philips, Managing Editor     In 1994, the US Coast Guard stopped training its cadets in Morse code and changed the name of the rating from “radioman” to “information systems technician.” […]

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