Category: Water

  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 20, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 20, 2016

Sacramento Bee: What the New Federal Water Bill Means for the Delta Sacramento Bee: Water efficiency must become a permanent California habit World Grain: Californian farmers delight in US Government $A766 million drought … Reuters: Water conservation push could put California utilities in a tough spot … Fresh Fruit Portal: California: Western Growers applauds passage of water bill into law […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 19, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 19, 2016

Associated Press: Stormier Times for California’s Water Expected Under New Law Associated Press: Stormier Times for California’s Water Expected Under New Law A quick recap on last week’s rain and snow across California Sacramento Bee: Think Tank Urges Fresh Look at the Delta Water Tunnel Plan Western Farm Press: Irrigation water necessary to sustain California agriculture Los Angeles Times: Atmospheric […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 16, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 16, 2016

Porterville Recorder: Mathis shines light on East Porterville Associated Press: California Storm Moves From Soggy North to Bone-Dry South Los Angeles Times: Major storms barrel into California: ‘Every field is a big lake’ KQED: December Deluge Delivers Even More Rain and Mess Than Promised San Bernardino County Sun: County ordered to lower Lake Gregory as part of plan to retrofit […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 15, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 15, 2016

San Francisco Chronicle: Storms could see Northern California river surging up to 24 feet Associated Press: California’s Lake Davis to refill, 20 years after pike disaster started San Francisco Chronicle: King tides expected to have more impact as sea levels rise San Francisco Chronicle: Storm swooping in to dump 2 to 5 inches of rain on Bay Area Los […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 14, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 14, 2016

Record Bee: Quagga mussels found in state water project Sacramento Bee: Fact check: Feinstein way off the mark when she said ‘tens of … Phys.Org: Drought strikes centuries-old California oaks WIRED: The Drought-Busting Bill Congress Just Passed Might Screw the … California Farm Bureau: Federal drought legislation passes overwhelmingly Farm Bureau News: Waterways infrastructure bill ready for president’s signature Independent: Massive ‘rivers […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 13, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 13, 2016

Sacramento Bee: Donald Trump forces a California water deal without lifting a finger Sacramento Bee: Long-sought flood control projects eased passage of California … Sacramento Bee: What does the new federal water bill mean for California? For one, a big win for farmers Sacramento Bee: How California’s water conservation strategy is falling short Fox & Hounds: Fox: Toast the Water […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 12, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 12, 2016

Lake County News: STATE: Quagga mussel infestation discovered in Pyramid Lake; state imposes boating restrictions Sacramento Bee: Will the wet start to the rainy season put dent in California’s drought? Los Angeles Times: A problem ‘too big to ignore’ — how years of congressional wrangling led to a water compromise McClatchy Washington Bureau: After years of drama, farmers score […]

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