Category: Uncategorized

From MBITA: ‘Single Window’ and Trade Logistics

From the Monterey Bay International Trade Association: Don’t miss the complimentary webinar on the GeTS web based interface, for the new U.S. ACE ‘single window’ system. The long awaited ‘single window’ will require only one document to generate all the documents needed to consummate an export or import transaction. Join us for this complimentary webinar […]

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Bank of the West: Instant Analysis on the October Payroll Report

Not too shabby is my initial reaction to the October jobs report. While the net non-farm October payroll gain was slightly lower (+161K) than our forecast of +169K, the net upward job revisions for August and September of +44K, more than made up the difference.  Monthly job gains of this magnitude should be sufficient to […]

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Spread the word about Measure RR

Join our Thunderclap campaign and help spread the word about Measure RR! Right now, you’re probably asking yourself: what is a Thunderclap? It’s a new website that allows people to pledge to Tweet or Facebook a message all on the same day — and at the exact same time — in order to achieve the […]

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Instant Analysis on The FOMC Decision And Statement for November from Bank of the West

·         As expected, the FOMC tees-up investors for a December rate hike. ·         While deciding to keep the Fed funds rate target unchanged this month, the FOMC statement released along with the decision lays the necessary groundwork for a December rate hike decision. ·         The was no Yellen press conference or update at this month’s […]

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Bank of the West US Outlook Report for March 11, 2016

US Outlook Report: Agricultural Outlook Remains Challenging The outlook for American agriculture has steadily deteriorated since 2013. While not a disaster, the economic and financial pain is beginning to show. Net farm incomes were at their highest levels on record in 2013, riding the wave of rising agricultural prices and robust demand from abroad. From […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onFebruary 24, 2016

Energy News for February 24, 2016

E&E: Post-Ruling Path for WOTUS Challenges Clear as Mud E&E: Green Groups Ready Lobbying Machine for Confirmation Fight New York Times: Saudi Oil Minister Rules Out Possibility of Production Cuts Wall Street Journal: J.P. Morgan: What’s Even Scarier Than Oil? Washington Examiner: Oil Industry Urges Congress to Repeal Ethanol Mandate Reuters: World’s Oil Bosses Eyeing More Pain Try to Look Past […]

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The Bulletin Newsletter from the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture – August 12, 2015

            THE BULLETIN              timely news from the SFBJV August 12, 2015   Prop 1 funding solicitations are out! Several of our partners who manage the distribution of Proposition 1 funding have have finalized their guidelines and are accepting proposals in the coming weeks.  Applications for the California Department of […]

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