Category: Environment

Delta eNews for May 5, 2016

This issue of the Delta eNews includes: ·         Delta Protection Commission announces new Commission member ·         Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee posts meeting agenda ·         Delta Independent Science Board meeting is May 12 ·         DWR announces public comment period for draft flood

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In Search of Mud to Save Francisco Bay

  Guest Blog In Search of Mud to Save San Francisco Bay To restore the region’s salt marshes, scientists and engineers need to get their hands on huge quantities of the messy stuff By Venkat Srinivasan on March 28, 2016    Along the San Francisco Bay, just beyond the din of gridlock, industry and residential lawn mowers, an […]

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Newly Released Data and Products from NOAA

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management has released new data and products for Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW) and other socioeconomic related products. New Data 2013 U.S. Ocean and Great Lakes Economy (ENOW) 2013 ENOW for Self-employed Workers (ENOW-NES) 2013 Total Economy of Coastal Areas 2015 Critical Facilities for Coastal […]

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‘A lot of ingredients’ in Senate WRDA Proposal

WATER POLICY: ‘A lot of ingredients’ in Senate WRDA proposal — Inhofe  Tiffany Stecker, E&E reporter Published: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will float a water resources authorization bill that deals as much with sewers and drinking water as it does with locks, dams and environmental restoration, according to a […]

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Free Webinar on 2016 SF Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund RFP

US EPA Region 9 is pleased to announce a free webinar for information on the 2016 San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund RFP. May 10, 2016 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PST The webinar will cover key sections of the RFP, proposal submission information, including navigation tips for, and include time for your questions. Registration […]

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Downey Brand Announces CEQA Chronicles Blog

Announcing CEQA Chronicles, a blog focusing on environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA practice is constantly changing, raising myriad questions for project applicants, lead agencies, and project opponents.  How should greenhouse gas emissions be quantified?  What are the ramifications of the shift from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles travelled (VMT) […]

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Wendel Rosen Black & Dean Client Alert for April 21, 2016

Land Use News from Wendel Rosen Oakland City Council Approves Impact Fees April 21, 2016 As we recently reported, the City of Oakland has been hammering out details of new development impact fees for the past several months. On April 19 the Oakland City Council approved two new fee ordinances in essentially the same form […]

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Bay-Delta Science Conference: Call for Abstracts

Bay-Delta Science Conference:  Call for Abstracts November 15-17, 2016 Sacramento, CA The Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference is a forum for presenting technical analyses and results relevant to the Delta Science Program’s mission to provide the best possible, unbiased, science-based information for water and environmental decision-making in the Bay-Delta system. The goal of the conference is […]

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