Category: Environment

CA State Parks Aquatic Invasive Plant Control Program FAV Update

Floating Aquatic Vegetation Control Program Water Hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes),  South American Spongeplant (Limnobium laevigatum),  Uruguay Water Primrose (Ludwigia hexapetala), and Alligatorweed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) California Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Boating and Waterways Aquatic Invasive Plant Control Program (AIPCP) Treatments for July 23 through July 27, 2018   Herbicide treatment of invasive floating aquatic […]

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SFBJV Bulletin for July 18, 2018

                      THE BULLETIN                       timely wetlands news from the SFBJV    July 18, 2018    before … after                                                   Native S. foliosa at restored marsh Got Native Spartina?  YES As a partner of the SF Bay Joint Venture you are likely familiar with Invasive Spartina (cordgrass) and know […]

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