Category: BPC News

2015 Basin Plan Triennial Review — Comment Letters to the Regional Water Quality Control Board

The Bay Planning Coalition is a signatory to two comment letters written to the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board in regards to the 2015 Basin Plan Triennial Review. Please see the two letters attached below. 2015 Basin Plan Triennial Review 2015 Comment Letter — Program 5.2 Climate Change/Water Resources SF Regional Board Triennial Review 2015 […]

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BPC Letter Supporting BCDC & Coastal Conservancy Application for NOAA Coastal Resilience Grant

The Bay Planning Coalition has submitted a letter supporting BCDC and the State Coastal Conservancy’s joint application for NOAA’s Regional Coastal Resilience Grant Program. BPC strongly believes that the work that BCDC and the Coastal Conservancy are engaged in will be instrumental in advancing the Bay Area’s resiliency to climate change impacts and will provide […]

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BPC Letter to MTC Planning Committee & ABAG Administrative Committee Regarding Housing Performance Targets

The Bay Planning Coalition has submitted a letter to the MTC Planning Committee & ABAG Administrative Committee to register its support for MTC staff’s proposed language for the Adequate Housing Performance Targets for Plan Bay Area 2.0. MTC’s proposal represents good-faith implementation of SB 375’s requirement for our region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy to plan for adequate […]

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USDA Letter Responding to BPC’s Request for Continued Funding of the Areawide Pest Management Program of the Agricultural Research Service

On March 19, 2015, BPC sent a letter (attached here) to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) encouraging adequate funding for the Areawide Pest Management Program of the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The Areawide Pest Management Program of the Agricultural Research Service is important for regional waterways such […]

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John Coleman Interview on KGO Radio

On April 7, 2015, Bay Planning Coalition’s CEO John Coleman was featured on KGO Radio during an interview on the Ronn Owens show to discuss water and the California drought and answer questions from the callers. You can download John Coleman’s interview at the link below. Ronn Owens show – April 7 – John Coleman 

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Bay Planning Coalition Letter to House Representatives regarding the Harbor Maintenance Tax

On November 14, 2014, the Bay Planning Coalition joined as a signatory on a Letter to House Representatives regarding FY15 annual appropriations legislation for harbor maintenance. Follow the link below for the Final Letter in PDF form. Bay Planning Coalition Letter to House Representatives regarding HMT — 14 Novemver 2014

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