2009 Decisionmakers Conference

2009 Program


Panel One– The Stimulus Road Map for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

Ellen Joslin Johnck (Moderator)
Executive Director, Bay Planning Coalition
Jim Hearn
Director of Programs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Kome Ajise
Deputy Director, California Department of Transportation
Randy Rentschler
Government Relations and Legislative Affairs Director
Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Panel Two – Securing Project Approval: What You Need to Know

Chris Locke
Partner, Farella Braun & Martel LLP
Anne Whittington
Environmental Assessment Supervisor, Port of Oakland
Russ Strach
Deputy Administrator, NOAA Fisheries
Cathy Reheis-Boyd
Chief Operating Officer, Western States Petroleum Association

*** Please note – There are no presentations for Panel Three ***

Audio Files

Welcome and Panel One
The Stimulus Road Map for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Panel Two
Securing Project Approval: What You Need to Know
Mr. John Hummer, Director, Northern California Gateway Office
U.S. Maritime Administration
Panel Three
The Future of the Waterfront and Contiguous Land