Frank Boerger was a founding director and chairman of the Bay Planning Coalition from 1985 – 1990. Frank was a professional engineer, distinguished military man and respected civic leader, well known for his outstanding achievements in several Bay Area public and private non-profit institutions. He first became active in Bay Area affairs in his position as District Engineer of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco, and represented USACE on the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission in the early ‘60s. He established the Northern California Ports and Terminals Bureau and the Golden Gate Ports Association, which was the precursor to the Bay Planning Coalition. In these early advocacy efforts, he was instrumental in the U. S. Congressional authorization of the John Baldwin Ship Channel -45’ navigation project between the Golden Gate Bridge and the Port of Stockton. Frank was also the first chairman of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area Citizen Advisory Committee. Many of Frank’s accomplishments reflect his efforts to balance conservation and development in and around S.F. Bay.
BPC presents the Frank Boerger Award annually to an individual who appreciates the rigors of advocating environmental protection and economic progress, and forges the path to achieve both. This person is passionate in convictions, balanced in judgment, and talented in bringing diverse interests and stakeholders together to address the issues of the environment and development.
Former Recipients:
Michael Cheney, civil engineer, founding director, Bay Planning Coalition
Loretta Barsamian, former Executive Officer, S.F. Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
Barbara Kaufman, former Chairman, S.F. Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Sunne Wright McPeak, former Executive Director, Bay Area Council and Secretary, State Business, Transportation and Housing Agency
Robert Tufts, former Chairman, S.F. Bay Conservation and Development Committee
John Briscoe, former Chairman, BPC Board of Directors
Bill Britt, Vice President, Cargill Salt
Jim Levine, President, Levine – Fricke Restoration Corporation
Angelo Siracusa, former Vice-Chairman, S.F. Bay Conservation and Development Commission
John Dustin, former Vice-Chairman, S.F. Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Ellen Joslin Johnck, former Executive Director, Bay Planning Coalition
Congressman John Garamendi
Will Travis, Senior Policy Adviser Joint Policy Committee